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d365technext: Vendor Aging Report D365FO
Источник: http://d365technext.blogspot.com/201...rt-d365fo.html

Vendor Aging Report D365FO

As we all knows customization in Vendor Aging report or Customer Aging report is nightmare..
The same thing i faced in previous week. when a task assigned to me to debug the vendAging Report..

Report elements

I have done some research in two days on this and found the below information:

1) Using CustVendTable Map and VendTable Query : Inserting data into CustVendTransAging Table.
(Referà Class : VendBalanceList :: calculateDetailsForMultiple ->> CustVendAgingCalculation à process method à insertCustVendData() method.

2) Inserting data into CustVendAgingProcessingTmp table using VendTransand VendSettlement Tables.
( Refer à Class : CustVendAgingCalculation àselectTransactions() à selectOpenTransactions() and selectClosedTransactions() methods .

3) Inserting data into CustVendAgingProcessingDetailsTmp fromCustVendAgingProcessingTmp Table
( Refer à Class : CustVendAgingCalculation à selectDetailsOfTransactions()

4) Inserting data into CustVendAgingCalculatedTmpusing CustVendAgingProcessingTmp Table and CustVendAgingProcessingDetailsTmp Tables.
( Refer : Class : CustVendAgingCalculation:Process method).

5) Inserting data into VendTmpAccountSum Table usingCustVendAgingCalculatedTmp.
(Refer : Class ::VendBalanceList:insertIntoTmpAccountSum())

6) Inserting data into VendAgingReportTmp Table (which is the main temporary table used for populating data in the report) using VendTmpAccountSumandCustVendTransAging tables.(VendAgingDP class)

I would request you to debug and check the classes above and tables and that would help you get more information.

Источник: http://d365technext.blogspot.com/201...rt-d365fo.html
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