The first step in developing or customizing an application on the EP is to understand the interactions between the user's browser on the client and the EP on the server when the user accesses the EP. In below image shows a simplified version of the page request process.
The EP page request flow
The following is the sequence of interactions that occurs when a user accesses the EP:
- The user opens the browser on his or her machine and navigates to the EP URL.
- The browser establishes a connection with the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server.
- Based on the authentication mode enabled, IIS authenticates the user.
- After the user is authenticated, the Windows SharePoint Services Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter intercepts the page request and checks the user's right to access the site.
- After the user is authorized by Windows SharePoint Services, the Web page routes to a custom Microsoft ASP.NET page handler object of Windows SharePoint Services.
- The page handler pulls the Web Part Page data from the Windows SharePoint Services content database. This data contains information such as the page template ID, the Web Parts used and their properties, and the page template stored on the file system on the Web server. Windows SharePoint Services then processes the page and creates and initializes the Web Parts on the page with properties and personalization data, if any.
- When initialing the Web Parts, the EP initializes a Web session with the EP Web framework through the .NET Business Connector.
- The Web framework checks for Dynamics AX authorization, and then calls the appropriate Web handlers in the Web framework to process the EP objects that the Web Part points to.
- The framework runs the business logic and returns the processed HTML to the Web Part.
- The Web page assembles all the HTML returned by all the Web Parts and renders the page to the user's browser.
- The EP Web session ends.
As you can see in this sequence, all the business logic, data retrieval, and user interface elements are defined in the MorphX development environment and stored in the Application Object Tree (AOT), and Windows SharePoint Services handles the overall page layout and personalization. In below image shows a sample EP topology.
An EP topology