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Старый 31.05.2010, 22:05   #1  
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Shekhar: Invoice journal linked with Purchase order


The following illustration is for showing an organization’s workflow of receiving and posting vendor invoices in an invoice register as un-posted invoices. A reviewer then reviews the un-posted invoices and takes the suitable of action of approving the invoice or rejecting the invoice if the discrepancy is beyond the tolerance.
If the above is tried to be mapped as a simple invoice posting then it is generally asked where in AX , the original vendor invoice amount is recorded and stored.
This area has a potential to build some customization but still I hope the following will help
1. Click Area Page node: Accounts payable -> Purchase Order Details.
Form name: Purchase Order Details

2. Create a new record in the Purchase order .
Form name: Create purchase order

Vendor – “1101”

3. Change Item number from '' to '1101'.
4. Change Quantity from '' to '1.00'.
5. Change Unit from '' to 'ea'.
6. Change Item name from '' to 'High End Speaker - ash/12 inches'.
7. Change Unit price from '' to '12.50'.
8. Change Net amount from '0.00' to '187.50'.
9. Save the record in the Purchase order 000379 , Name Rain Projectors , Item name form.
10. Make sure the selection is changed in table Purchase orders to: Purchase order

Vendor account

Invoice account

Purchase type




Blanket order

Quality order status




Purchase order

Open order


11. Click the Posting -> Packing slip menu button.
Form name: Posting packing slip

12. Change Packing slip from '' to 'DN_379'.
13. Click the OK button.
14. Close the Purchase order 000379 , Name Rain Projectors , Item name High End Speaker - ash/12 inches form.
At this stage the lets consider that the vendor sends the invoice for the above delivery . The organization’s workflow is such that all the vendor invoices are punched in an invoice register by the front desk for later review and posting by accounts payable section in finance.
15. Click Area Page node: Accounts payable -> Journals -> Invoices -> Invoice register.
Front desk will perform this step
Form name: Journal

16. Create a new record in the Journal form.
17. Change Name from '' to 'APInvReg'.
18. Change Description from '' to 'AP Invoice RegistePr'.
19. Click the Lines button.
20. Switch to the Overview tab on the Journal voucher form.
Form name: Journal voucher

21. Create a new record in the Journal voucher form.
22. Change Account from '' to '1101'.
23. Change Sales tax group from '' to 'No-Tax'.
24. Change Invoice from '' to 'Test4SD'.
25. Change Item sales tax group from '' to 'ALL'.
26. Change Transaction text from '' to 'Testing Invoice Posting'.
27. Change Credit from '' to '188.00'.
28. Change Purchase order from '' to '000379'.
29. Change Approved by from '' to '7210'.
30. Click the Post -> Post menu button.
Form name: Infolog

31. Click the Close button.
32. Close the Journal voucher form.
33. Close the Journal form.
34. Click Area Page node: Accounts payable -> Journals -> Invoices -> Invoice approval journal.
This step will be performed by the Account payable section in finance.
Form name: Journal

35. Create a new record in the Journal form.
36. Change Name from '' to 'APInvApp'.
37. Change Description from '' to 'AP Invoice Approval'.
38. Click the Lines button.
Form name: Journal voucher

39. Click the Fetch vouchers button.
Form name: Fetch vouchers

40. Make sure the selection is changed in table Journal lines to: Account



Transaction text

Approved by







Testing Invoice Posting




41. Click the Select button.
42. Click the OK button.
43. Click the Functions -> Purchase order menu button.
Form name: Posting invoice 44. Switch to the Lines tab on the Posting invoice form. 45. Change Unit price from '12.50' to '0.00'. 46. Change Net amount from '187.50' to '188.00'. 47. Click the OK button. Form name: Infolog 48. Click the Close button. 49. Close the Journal voucher form. 50. Close the Journal form. 51. Click Area Page node: Accounts payable -> Purchase Order Details. Form name: Purchase Order Details 52. Make sure the selection is changed in table Purchase orders to: Purchase order

Vendor account

Invoice account

Purchase type




Blanket order

Quality order status




Purchase order




The purchase order is Invoiced.

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