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Старый 14.11.2003, 12:03   #1  
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Слияние Scala и Epicor
Scala Business Solutions to Merge with Epicor Software

Combination will create leading global midmarket provider of integrated ERP, CRM and SCM solutions leveraging Microsoft and web services technology

Irvine, California, USA and Amsterdam, The Netherlands – 14 November 2003: Epicor Software Corporation (NASDAQ: “EPIC”) and Scala Business Solutions (Euronext: “A.SCALA”) today jointly announced that the expectation is justified that they will reach agreement on a merger. The proposed merger will be effected by a public offer by Epicor for all the outstanding ordinary shares in the capital of Scala at an anticipated aggregate transaction value of approximately US$87 million (the equivalent of Ђ3.27 per ordinary share) as of the closing price on 13 November 2003, consisting of a cash price of US$ 41.7 million plus 4.1 million shares of Epicor’s common stock, subject to adjustment. The offer is made up of a cash price of US$1.823 per Scala share plus 0.1795 shares of Epicor’s common stock. Scala’s Supervisory Board and Management Board expect to recommend the public offer to its shareholders. On a date to be determined by Scala, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be organized to discuss the public offer. Epicor’s Board of Directors has approved the transaction.

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