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Старый 07.12.2012, 03:12   #1  
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Danny Varghese: How CRM 2011 Caching Works

Another great article on Develop 1 Blog talks about how caching works in Dynamics CRM 2011. The original article can be found here. The article explains a problem the person was facing with his/her ribbon customization, after publishing wasn’t showing up.

The article goes on to say how there is a JavaScript method that takes in two parameters indicating the metadata version and ribbon version.  Each time a change is made, one or more of those parameters should increment. The ribbon version was not being incremented. According to this blogger: “The CRM 2011 cache is stored in the standard ASP.NET HTTP Cache – and it was this cache that holds the Ribbon Version. The publish is meant to invalidate this cache so that the new version can be used. Without this cache, every single request would have to hit the database to load customization XML…Upon investigating how the CRM2011 cache is managed – there is a Notifications table in the MSCRM_CONFIG database that includes entries that instruct CRM to clear cache items. The Async Server picks these up and notifies the HTTP Worker processes to drop each cache by Key.”

The issue was in previous testing, this blogger changed the time on the server to one month ahead.  He/she believes the async service wakes up and uses the current date/time to query the database for what items to clear from cache.  If records are being inserted into the database using the server’s date & time (which was set to one month ahead), the query was not picking up these notifications in the table, and thus not clearing the cache.

I found this article extremely interesting!!  Props to the author!

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