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emeadaxsupport: AX Content: Procure-to-pay (P2P) workflow

You can create many types of workflow in Microsoft Dynamics AX. In this post, we’ll look at the types of workflow that you can use in the procure-to-pay process: purchase requisition, purchase order, vendor invoice, and vendor payment. If your business needs require it, you can use all of these types of workflow. In practice, many organizations can accomplish what they need to do by using just one or two types, instead of all four.

Purchase requisitions

Use purchase requisition workflows to route purchase requisitions or purchase requisition lines for manager or other reviewer approval. When the requisition is approved, it can be added to a purchase order.

You can route a purchase requisition for review as a single document, or you can route individual lines for review. If you route individual lines for review, all lines must be approved before the purchase requisition can be ordered. For more information, see Overview of a purchase requisition workflow.

You can set up AX 2012 to automatically create purchase orders based on approved purchase requisitions, and you can use purchasing policies to create multiple POs based on the same requisition based on criteria that you specify. For example, if a purchase requisition has two lines, and each line has a different vendor, currency, or legal entity, two purchase orders are created. For more information, see About purchase requisition workflows, Set up expenditure reviewer configurations, Set up Procurement and sourcing workflows and Key tasks: Create purchasing policies.

In AX 2012 R2, the concept of a requisition purpose was introduced. The Consumption purpose is used for purchases that will be used internally by your organization, and requisitions with this purpose always result in a purchase order. In contrast, the Replenishment purpose is used to replenish inventory, and requisitions with this purpose can result in a purchase order, transfer order, production order, or kanban. For more information about how to include requisition demand in master planning, see Set up master planning to include requisitions.

Purchase orders

Use purchase order workflows to route purchase orders (POs) or PO lines for manager or other reviewer approval. You can also use change management to ensure that no unauthorized changes are made to POs after they are approved. For more information, see Key tasks: Change management for purchase orders and Procurement in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Vendor invoices

Use vendor invoice workflows to automatically check for invoice matching variances and flag exceptions for review, or to route for approval if certain conditions are met. When the invoice is approved, it can be posted. For more information, see Set up vendor invoice workflow.

Vendor payments

Use payment journal approval workflows to route vendor payment journals for manager or other reviewer approval. For more information, see Set up Accounts payable workflows.

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