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Старый 11.07.2008, 20:05   #1  
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Dynamics AX: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 - User Experience Guidelines
Recently I recieved an email from a Mara Trygstad, User Experience Designer - Dynamics User Experience Team - Microsoft. This email informed me that the Dynamics User Experience Team has now published the new Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 User Experience Guidelines

These new guidelines are better than we have ever had in Dynamics AX world, and I would really recommend you taking the time to download them, and look them over with your technical and design teams. (Though even Application Folks could benefit from reviewing them as well).

The point of these guidelines is to really give partners, ISV's, and customizing customers a base / reference in which one can review and lean on in order to get good guidelines for designing any user interface that might exist with the new Dynamics AX 2009 release.

Let take for example, Role Centers. These are new to Dynamics AX 2009, and therefore, require special attention by everyone when creating. Well right off these do get special attention, as they live in th 'Whats New' section of the guidelines. The Whats new section is recommended for reading first and then drives you through the rest of the guide.

In looking at Role Centers, we see information like the following:
"A Role Center should answer these questions for the user:
  • What is my workload?
  • What do I need to do next?
  • Are there any urgent actions I need to carry out?
  • What is the status of the things I should be most concerned about?

So as you can see these have great value, and I fully recommend taking the time to review them. Also, the UX team wants feedback. So if you come across something that you think could help make these better, they want to hear about.

Well check back soon!

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