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Старый 09.11.2010, 19:05   #1  
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ukcrm: CRM 2011 Videos On Channel 9 (Part 3)


I can’t believe that CRM 2011 beta was released just one month ago, because the amount of public content that is now available is growing at a tremendous rate. I remember when when we release both CRM 3.0 and CRM 4.0, it took quite a while for the community (customers, partners and Microsoft field folk like me) to get up to speed with all the new product features and limitations.

For example, if you haven’t had the chance you should head over to the CRM 2011 Beta Forum, where there is a massive amount of activity going on. I subscribe to new posts on the forum using my Windows Live Mail 2011 RSS reader, and there are around 30 new posts every day. Most are “how do I…” types of questions, which I find to be an invaluable source of new information, especially regarding areas of the product I haven’t had time to look at yet. However, there are also a fair number of “bug reports” (this is a beta after all), which the CRM product team are monitoring very closely. We already had an update delivered via Windows Update in direct response to many of the bugs raised from the beta programme, and I know the team are burning the candle at both ends to ensure that we deliver the highest possible product quality.

My personal favourite way of digesting new information has always been via Webcasts and recorded Webinars, and once again, the product team are keeping up the pace this week by recording two more video interviews/demos of some of the new CRM 2011 features.

CRM 2011 Online Reporting with Abhijit Gore:

CRM 2011 Data Visualizations with Siddhartha Rai:

You can find links to the previously released videos here:
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