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Старый 23.01.2011, 03:24   #1  
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kamalblogs: Ax 2012 the new era begins for dynamics ax

“Oops. I missed it” is what i said as surged through the tweets from the technical conference. It looks like Microsoft has only retained the name Ax from the previous version.This has been the most happening release since I started my career with Axapta. The depth and the extent of changes is amazing…thanks to all the live reporters who did a wonderful job from the ax2012 technical conference. Here are a few points that pulled in my attention …
- all the forms have been redesigned to give a brand new look. Not just that, a form developed for the rich client can be used as is with EP just by publishing it.
- the new version has got no legacy reports all of them have Been moved to ssrs. But still legacy reports are supported it seems
- forms can be reused.
- aot can be accessed from visual studio.
- the new version supports only vs2010
- the rich client doesn’t supports windows xp
- new security structure is role based
- trace can be invoked from the client
- though the new version doesn’t have aod you can still import xpo’s but you can’t export them.
- Oracle db is no longer supported
-  portions of x++ runs in the clr
- the new tfs integration also supports work items
- as and is key words are supported by x++
- more smoother integration between x++ and c#.  objects can be just passed between both the languages.
- different environments for development and application.
- tables can be inherited
- a lot of properties has been added to reduce setup through code.
- rich use of powershell
- a new command line utility called axutill is introduced

Ohhhh that seems never ending… as I read in a tweet ‘the draft version of what’s new for 2012 is 80 pages..while the finished version of 2009 was 59′ . So its pretty sure that I can’t contain my excitement by listing all that I read.. for now I’m finishing my post but I hope the magical journey of exploring is going to be more exciting, fun filled and challenging with this upcoming version.
If you want to catchup more with the excitement read here…
Or search for the tweet tag #DAXCONF
Ps: Apologize for the text formatting as I’m doing this post from my mobile.

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