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emeadaxsupport: How to Change the Business Connector Account after Enterprise Portal is Already Installed

Here are the steps and actions needed to change the Business Connector Proxy account in Microsoft Dynamics AX after you have EP installed, and SSRS and SSAS configured for EP.
  1. Change the Business Connector Proxy account in
    Microsoft Dynamics AX by going to System Administration, click Setup, click System, and then click System service account. Enter your new BC proxy account here.
  2. In Reporting Services Configuration Manager, change the Service account to the new BC proxy
    account. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
  3. In Reporting Services Configuration Manager, change the Execution account to the new BC proxy
    account. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
  4. On the server where Reporting Services is installed, give the BC proxy account Allow log on locally rights in Local Security Policy> Local Policies> User Rights Assignment.
  5. In SharePoint Central administration, configure this new BC account as a managed account. Configure if it does not already exist by going to Security, and then click Configure Managed account.
  6. In SharePoint Central administration, change the EP application pool identity user to be the same as this BC proxy account.
    • First, find out the name of the application pool used by the EP web application. This can be done by going to IIS manager, click the EP web site, and then click Basic Settings link under Actions. Note the application pool name for the site.

    • In SharePoint Central administration, click Security on the left, and then click Configure Service accounts under General Security. Select the name of the application pool for the EP site. Then under the Select an account for this component, choose the new BC proxy account.
7. Open up an elevated cmd prompt and run IISRESET.EXE /noforce on all the servers in the farm.

8. Give BCproxy the DynamicsAXBrowser rights to the DynamicsAX folder in SSRS. For more information see - .

9. In SSAS, give the BCproxy admin rights in SSAS security.

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