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Старый 28.11.2013, 06:16   #1  
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DAX: Get business insights with Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer whether you are in the office or on the go

Earlier this month we released an update to the Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer app that helps people to quickly discover, drill down and share data about the performance of their business, helping them make business decisions fast.

The app is tailored for specific roles (CFO and Practice Manager) and provides pre-configured business insights and a user experience that can be personalized to fit individual needs.

Whether in the office or on the go, people can discover and interact using their favorite charts, KPIs and financial reports. And, with Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Lync, they can easily connect with colleagues to collaborate and share business insights.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key benefits of Business Analyzer:


Business Analyzer includes a set of pre-defined charts and reports that are based on Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cubes and financial statements. This app provides role specific content such as charts, KPIs and access to financial statements for CFOs and practice managers. It works with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and supports both online and offline mode.

CFO user experience Practice Manager user experience

Users can personalize the experience by simply moving important charts and KPIs to the main focus area on the home page or by adding charts, KPIs and financial reports from their respective libraries.


Business Analyzer provides an engaging user experience that enables interactive data presentation. The app allows users to slice and dice data, view financial statements across the organization, and compare actuals vs. budget for current and prior years. And, users can continue to monitor business performance while performing other tasks by viewing apps side by side in Windows 8.1.

Monitor business performance while performing other tasks


Often, when reviewing business performance, questions come up and need to be answered fast. Users can quickly reach out to colleagues using Microsoft Lync or by sharing a snapshot using the Windows 8.1 Share charm.

Collaborate easily using Lync Share a snapshot using the Windows 8.1 Share charm

Want to explore and learn more about Business Analyzer?

Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer for Microsoft Dynamics AX is currently available as a demo app, in US English only. This release includes the following enhancements to Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer. The application now supports data from SQL Server Analysis Services Cubes, SQL Server Reporting Services and Microsoft Dynamics Management Reporter. The application also enables users to connect to a single service point to return data. If you have Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer currently installed you must reconfigure the application and reselect your reports after you install this update.

Microsoft Dynamics companion applications connect to your Microsoft Dynamics AX implementation via a service that you configure using the Microsoft Dynamics AX Connector for Mobile applications. The Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer service for Microsoft Dynamics AX is planned to be available in December 2013.

For more information on Business Analyzer, including system requirements, information about the Microsoft Dynamics AX connector and the availability in the Microsoft Stores please visit:

The hands on lab for Business Analyzer is planned to be available on PartnerSource/CustomerSource by the end of November 2013. Click here to download the script.

Ready to give it a try?

Download the demo app today and share it with your CFO and practice manager. Feedback? Please let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

Interested in a technical deep dive? Join us at the Microsoft Dynamics AX Technical Conference on February 3–5, 2014 in Bellevue, Washington. Click here for more info.

//Yvonne Haarloev
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft Dynamics ERP

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