08.02.2012, 15:01 | #1 |
This is only the same query which is already here:
Table Information including Index information (Usage, Blocks and Reads) But I noticed that the query somehow got mal-formed to a point where it could not run. So here is a cleaned-up version. In summary: This query shows a list of all tables and indexes in a SQL database to help identifying in which tables the most blocks happen, and to give a starting point for index tuning. For further details, refer to the original blog post. --use NAVDatabase IF OBJECT_ID ('z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys; -- Generate list of indexes with key list create table z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys ([l1] [bigint] NOT NULL, [F_Obj_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [F_Schema_Name] [nvarchar] (128) NULL, [F_Table_Name] [nvarchar] (128) NOT NULL, [F_Row_Count] [bigint] NULL, [F_Reserved] [bigint] NULL, [F_Data] [bigint] NULL, [F_Index_Size] [bigint] NULL, [F_UnUsed] [bigint] NULL, [F_Index_Name] [nvarchar] (128) NULL, [F_Index_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [F_Column_Name] [nvarchar] (128) NULL, [F_User_Updates] [bigint] NULL, [F_User_Reads] [bigint] NULL, [F_Locks] [bigint] NULL, [F_Blocks] [bigint] NULL, [F_Block_Wait_Time] [bigint] NULL, [F_Last_Used] [datetime] NULL, [F_Index_Type] [nvarchar] (128) NOT NULL, [F_Index_Column_ID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [F_Last_Seek] [datetime] NULL, [F_Last_Scan] [datetime] NULL, [F_Last_Lookup] [datetime] NULL, [Index_Key_List] [nvarchar] (MAX) NULL ) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [Object_ID_Index] ON [dbo]. [z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys] ( [F_Obj_ID] ASC ) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [Index_ID_Index] ON [dbo]. [z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys] ( [F_Index_ID] ASC ) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [RowCount_ID_Index] ON [dbo]. [z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys] ( [F_Row_Count] ASC ) GO INSERT INTO z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys SELECT ( row_number() over(order by a3.name, a2.name))%2 as l1, a1.object_id, a3.name AS [schemaname], a2.name AS [tablename], a1.rows as row_count, ( a1.reserved + ISNULL(a4.reserved,0))* 8 AS reserved, a1.data * 8 AS data, ( CASE WHEN (a1.used + ISNULL(a4.used,0)) > a1.data THEN (a1.used + ISNULL(a4.used,0)) - a1.data ELSE 0 END) * 8 AS index_size, ( CASE WHEN (a1.reserved + ISNULL(a4.reserved,0)) > a1.used THEN (a1.reserved + ISNULL(a4.reserved,0)) - a1.used ELSE 0 END) * 8 AS unused, -- Index Description SI.name, SI.Index_ID, index_col(object_name(SIC.object_id),SIC.index_id,SIC.Index_Column_ID), -- Index Stats US.user_updates, US.user_seeks + US.user_scans + US.user_lookups User_Reads, -- Index blocks IStats.row_lock_count + IStats.page_lock_count, IStats.row_lock_wait_count + IStats.page_lock_wait_count, IStats.row_lock_wait_in_ms + IStats.page_lock_wait_in_ms, -- Dates CASE WHEN (ISNULL(US.last_user_seek,'00:00:00.000') >= ISNULL(US.last_user_scan,'00:00:00.000')) and (ISNULL(US.last_user_seek,'00:00:00.000') >= ISNULL(US.last_user_lookup,'00:00:00.000')) THEN US.last_user_seek WHEN (ISNULL(US.last_user_scan,'00:00:00.000') >= ISNULL(US.last_user_seek,'00:00:00.000')) and (ISNULL(US.last_user_scan,'00:00:00.000') >= ISNULL(US.last_user_lookup,'00:00:00.000')) THEN US.last_user_scan ELSE US.last_user_lookup END AS Last_Used_For_Reads, SI.type_desc, SIC.index_column_id, US.last_user_seek, US.last_user_scan, US.last_user_lookup, '' FROM ( SELECT ps.object_id, SUM ( CASE WHEN (ps.index_id < 2) THEN row_count ELSE 0 END ) AS [rows], SUM(ps.reserved_page_count) AS reserved, SUM ( CASE WHEN (ps.index_id < 2) THEN (ps.in_row_data_page_count + ps.lob_used_page_count + ps.row_overflow_used_page_count) ELSE (ps.lob_used_page_count + ps.row_overflow_used_page_count) END ) AS data, SUM (ps.used_page_count) AS used FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps GROUP BY ps.object_id) AS a1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT it.parent_id, SUM (ps.reserved_page_count) AS reserved, SUM (ps.used_page_count) AS used FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps INNER JOIN sys.internal_tables it ON (it.object_id = ps.object_id) WHERE it.internal_type IN (202,204) GROUP BY it.parent_id) AS a4 ON (a4.parent_id = a1.object_id) INNER JOIN sys.all_objects a2 ON ( a1.object_id = a2.object_id ) INNER JOIN sys.schemas a3 ON (a2.schema_id = a3.schema_id) INNER JOIN sys.indexes SI ON (SI.object_id = a1."object_id") INNER JOIN sys.index_columns SIC ON (SIC.object_id = SI.object_id and SIC.index_id = SI.index_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats US ON (US.object_id = SI.object_id and US.index_id = SI.index_id and US.database_id = db_id()) LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) IStats ON (IStats.object_id = SI.object_id and IStats.index_id = SI.index_id and IStats.database_id = db_id()) WHERE a2.type <> N'S' and a2.type <> N'IT' ORDER BY row_count DESC GO -- Populate key string DECLARE IndexCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT F_Obj_ID, F_Index_ID FROM z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys FOR UPDATE OF Index_Key_List DECLARE @objID int DECLARE @IndID int DECLARE @KeyString VARCHAR(MAX) SET @KeyString = NULL OPEN IndexCursor SET NOCOUNT ON FETCH NEXT FROM IndexCursor INTO @ObjID, @IndID WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN SET @KeyString = '' SELECT @KeyString = COALESCE(@KeyString,'') + F_Column_Name + ', ' FROM z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys WHERE F_Obj_ID = @ObjID and F_Index_ID = @IndID ORDER BY F_Index_ID, F_Index_Column_ID SET @KeyString = LEFT(@KeyString,LEN(@KeyString) -2) UPDATE z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys SET Index_Key_List = @KeyString WHERE CURRENT OF IndexCursor FETCH NEXT FROM IndexCursor INTO @ObjID, @IndID END; CLOSE IndexCursor DEALLOCATE IndexCursor GO -- clean up table to one line per index DELETE FROM z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys WHERE [F_Index_Column_ID] > 1 GO -- Select results SELECT [F_Table_Name] TableName, [F_Row_Count] No_Of_Records, [F_Data] Data_Size, [F_Index_Size] Index_Size, [F_Index_Name] Index_Name, [F_User_Updates] Index_Updates, [F_User_Reads] Index_Reads, CASE WHEN F_User_Reads = 0 THEN F_User_Updates ELSE F_User_Updates / F_User_Reads END AS Updates_Per_Read, [F_Locks] Locks, [F_Blocks] Blocks, [F_Block_Wait_Time] Block_Wait_Time, [F_Last_Used] Index_Last_Used, [F_Index_Type] Index_Type, [Index_Key_List] Index_Fields FROM z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys --order by F_Row_Count desc, F_Table_Name, [F_Index_ID] --order by F_User_Updates desc --order by Blocks desc --order by Block_Wait_Time desc --order by Updates_Per_Read desc ORDER BY F_Table_Name Источник: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Micro...ads-again.aspx
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