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axaptacorner: Create Query dynamically in AOT through code:
Источник: http://axaptacorner.blogspot.com/201...t-through.html
============== Create Query dynamically in AOT through code: static void CreateQueryInAOT(Args _args) { TreeNode treeNodeObj; Query queryObj; // Extends TreeNode class. QueryBuildDataSource qbds; QueryBuildRange qbr; QueryRun qr; CustTable xrecCustTable; str queryName = "TestQuery"; // Macro. #AOT // Delete the query from the AOT, if the query exists. treeNodeObj = TreeNode::findNode(#QueriesPath); treeNodeObj = treeNodeObj.AOTfindChild(queryName); if (treeNodeObj) { treeNodeObj.AOTdelete(); } // Add the query to the AOT. treeNodeObj = TreeNode::findNode(#QueriesPath); treeNodeObj.AOTadd(queryName); queryObj = treeNodeObj.AOTfindChild(queryName); // Further define the query. qbds = queryObj.addDataSource(tablenum(CustTable)); qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldnum(CustTable, CustGroup)); qbr.value("Inter"); // Compile the query. queryObj.AOTcompile(1); queryObj.AOTsave(); // Run the query. qr = new QueryRun("TestQuery"); while ( qr.next() ) { xrecCustTable = qr.GetNo(1); // 1 means first data source. Global::info(strFmt("%1 , %2", xrecCustTable.AccountNum, xrecCustTable.CustGroup)); } Источник: http://axaptacorner.blogspot.com/201...t-through.html
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