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crmtipoftheday: Tip #1370: Handle RemoteExecutionObject in Power Automate
Источник: https://crmtipoftheday.com/1370/1781...campaign=17813
============== When we talked about triggering Power Automate on Associate/Disassociate, I did set aside the task of “dealing with horrendous serialization”. Short version: it’s a RemoteExecutionObject that is serialized in the message and every DataCollection property is serialized as an array of objects with the key and value properties. "InputParameters": [ { "key": "Target", "value": { ... "LogicalName": "adx_webrole" } }, { "key": "Relationship", "value": { ... "SchemaName": "adx_webrole_contact" } } Fair enough. But in the jsonified world of Power Automate, it would’ve been nice to see it as { “key”:”value” } object instead: "InputParameters": { "Target": { ... "LogicalName": "adx_webrole" }, "Relationship": { ... "SchemaName": "adx_webrole_contact" } } Let’s say we want to extract SchemaName of the relationship. What are our options? Someone suggested iterating over the InputParameters array until Relationship key is found and then extract the value and the property. It will work and will be very readable but bleugh! Here is not one but two methods to achieve the same. (more…) Источник: https://crmtipoftheday.com/1370/1781...campaign=17813
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