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Старый 28.10.2006, 16:40   #1  
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Solutions Monkey: EP Samples from TechReady3
Yesterday (07/24/2006) I presented at TechReady3 (Microsoft‘s Internal Technical Readiness Event) on the EP Session. I demoed creating a web page to display vendor list with “zero code”. And then I demoed how you could do the same thing completely through coding to control the layout and format. Then I demoed the WebPart Connection and how you can control what is being displayed on the left menu based on some business logic and here is the code sample that I used.
Here is the sample code of the weblet that I created in this demo
public class TechReadyWebLet extends WebLet
boolean _even;

public void run(Args args)
str ret;
VendTable vt;
ret = "Top 10 Vendors

ret += "";

while select vt
where vt.AccountNum < '3010'
if ( _even ==1)
ret += "";
ret += "";
if ( vt.VendGroup == '10')
ret += " ";

if ( vt.VendGroup == '50')
ret += " ";

ret+= + "
ret += vt.address + "
" + vt.state +" " + vt.zipcode + "
" + vt.countryregionid + "";

if ( _even ==0)
ret += "";

_even = _even ? 0 : 1;

ret += "";

Here is the sample code that I used in EPVendTableInfo Web form to demo the Web Part connection

public boolean showMenuFunction(WebMenuFunction _menuFunction)
boolean ret;
ret = super(_menuFunction);
if ( == weburlitemstr(EPDocuList) && vendTable.VendGroup == '50')
ret = false;

return ret;

public Common setMenuFunctionRecord(WebMenuFunction _menuFunction, Common _cursor)

Common ret;
if ( == weburlitemstr(EPDocuList))
ret = null;
ret = super(_menuFunction, _cursor);
return ret;


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