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Старый 23.11.2006, 16:00   #1  
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Axapta Lessons: Menu Properties.
Источник: http://axapta-lessons-learned.blogsp...roperties.html
Each menu has a number of properties, which we can find in the property sheet. The next table gives an explanation of the available properties. Not all of the properties require a value.

Name:Name of the menu in the AOT.

Label:Enter the name of the menu displayed on the screen.

HelpText:Create a help string for the menu.
The help string is displayed below in the status bar.



NeededAccessLevel:Define the minimum access required. The access rights are: NoAccess, View, Edit, Add and Delete.

SetCompany:Have the system change company when the menu is opened.

When set to Yes: Each time the menu is activated the company changes to what it was when the menu was first activated.

CreatedBy:A read-only property set by the system.
Gives the name of the user who created the object.

CreatedDate:A read-only property set by the system.
Gives the date when the object was created.

ChangedBy:A read-only property set by the system.
Gives the name of the user who last modified the object.

ChangedDate:A read-only property set by the system.
Gives the date when the object was last modified.

ChangedTime:A read-only property set by the system.
Gives the time when the object was last changed.

LockedBy:A read-only property set by the system.
Gives the name of the user who has currently locked the object.

Remarks: Menus and sub-menus are only displayed if they contain at least one menu item.

Источник: http://axapta-lessons-learned.blogsp...roperties.html

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