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Старый 20.11.2008, 01:09   #1  
gl00mie is offline
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Выпущен Event Trace Parser Release Candidate 2
Весьма вероятно, на фоне выхода NAV 2009 и DAX 2009 SP1 эта новость прозвучит не столь помпезно, тем не менее, после beta1 и beta5 выпущен, наконец, RC2 (!) замечательного Trace Parcer'а. Причем, на этот раз он доступен как с PartnerSource'а, так и с CustomerSource'а. Вкратце, вот почему его имеет смысл качать:
This Release Candidate includes:
  1. Bug fixes:
    • More detailed error messages, and better exception handling
    • UI rework in order to reduce confusion
    • Context helpbox which explains the current view
  2. New Features:
    • Added code formatting for improved readability
    • Integration with AX client
    • Client-Server trace correlation
    • Includes information on the number of RPC calls
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: mazzy (2), AlGol (1), belugin (2), vadimiron (1).
Старый 09.05.2009, 18:03   #2  
Kabardian is offline
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Dynamics AX 4.0
Kernel: 4.0.2501.116
Application: 4.0.2501.121
Localization: Eastern Europe

Как заставить его работать на указанной выше системе?

У меня при запуске вываливается ошибка:

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Понятно, что требуется .NET Business Connector версии 5.0, но откуда его взять на четверке?

Последний раз редактировалось Kabardian; 09.05.2009 в 18:04. Причина: указана точная версия системы
Старый 09.05.2009, 19:26   #3  
sukhanchik is offline
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Регистрация: 13.06.2004
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Дык про него сразу сказано что он не для 4-ки...
The Event Trace Parser user interface and data analyzer for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

The Event Trace Parser for Microsoft Dynamics® AX is a user interface and data analyzer built on top of the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework. The ETW framework allows an administrator to conduct tracing with an overhead of approximately 4%. This low overhead allows administrators to diagnose performance problems in live environments as opposed to development environments.

The Trace Parser is built on top of Microsoft SQL Server. It enables rapid analysis of traces to find the longest running code, longest running SQL query, highest call count and other metrics useful in debugging a performance problem. In addition, it provides a call tree of the code that was executed, giving the developer insight into the code, and the power to quickly become familiar with the flow of an unfamiliar piece of code. It also provides the ability to jump from the searching feature to the call tree, so that the person analyzing the trace can determine how the problematic code was called.

Release Candidate 2 works with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

This Release Candidate includes:
Bug fixes:
  • More detailed error messages, and better exception handling
  • UI rework in order to reduce confusion
  • Context helpbox which explains the current view
New Features:
  • Added code formatting for improved readability
  • Integration with AX client
  • Client-Server trace correlation
  • Includes information on the number of RPC calls

Release Candidate 2 of the Event Trace Parser tool is being released as an unsupported tool.
И кстати - обращаю внимание, что это
unsupported tool
Возможно сделать все. Вопрос времени
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: Kabardian (2).
trace parser


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