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Старый 05.04.2009, 04:40   #1  
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mscrm4ever: GI CRM Record Counter Trial is Available

Since the beginning of my sharing initiative I received many requests for a trial. Since the wizards and plug-ins are part of our future product we do not protect, limit for evaluation or obfuscate them in any way.

As the number of such trial requests grow beyond our ability to explain the reason for the abundance of such a trial I decided to test a new trial initiative that will enable you to evaluate our software on a trust basis.

I decided to test this trial initiative with our Record Counter. The Counter is 100% supported and fully compliant with MS SDK.
The Counter does not temper or makes changes to CRM files and does not make direct calls the CRM database. The Counter supports both on-premise and partner hosted environments.

The Record Counter Trial Software is a fully operational solution. You only need to register the counter using the Plug-in registration tool and configure the entities that require counting. The trial also includes a detailed installation and configuration guide.

In order to request a trial you need only to fill out our contact us from and provide the following information:
1. Complete and accurate details about you and your company.
2. Valid company email address. The Trial Software will be sent to this address.
3. Add the following line (“RCO Trial Request”) to the contact us message field.

Click here to start your RCO Trial.


Adi Katz

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