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Solutions Monkey: EP Tips-n-Tricks - Data Sets / Data Sources
Happy New Year !!!

Data Sets


For checking arguments passed from managed code or context and adding ranges/ modifying query.

if (element.args().dataset() == tablenum(EPPriceCalc))


epPriceCalc = element.args().record();

custTable = CustTable::find(epPriceCalc.AccountNum);

priceTransferParmId = epPriceCalc.ParmId;



Persisting values of in-memory variables between postbacks

public container pack()


return [#CurrentVersion, #CurrentList] + [super()];


public boolean unpack(container _pack)


Integer version = conpeek(_pack,1);

container base;

boolean ret;

switch (version)


case #CurrentVersion : [version, #currentList, base] = _pack;

ret = super(base);


default: super(_pack);


return ret;


Other Methods

Also common methods that could be called from Managed code or from other methods in the Data sources could be added at the DataSet level.


Get external arguments through the args objects

Checking for RecordContext

public void init()





if (element.args() && element.args().dataset() == tablenum(EmplTable))


callerEmplTable = element.args().record();

emplId = callerEmplTable.EmplId;



Passing parameters from Managed code to X++ in dataset

protected<SPAN style="mso-bidi-language: TA"> void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.AxDataSource1.CreatingDataSetRun += new EventHandler(AxDataSource1_CreatingDataSetRun);

Set the param value to the event arugments

void AxDataSource1_CreatingDataSetRun(object sender, CreatingDataSetRunEventArgs e)


e.DataSetRunArgs.parm = "4000";


In AOT override or add method in the data set and use element.args().parm() to received the paramter

public void executeQuery()

QueryBuildRange custRange;
custRange = SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(this.query().dataSourceNo(1), fieldnum(CustTable, AccountNum));


You can also pass an Enum. For example

void AxDataSource1_CreatingDataSetRun(object sender, CreatingDataSetRunEventArgs e)
e.DataSetRunArgs.parmEnumType = EnumMetadata.EnumNum(this.AxSession, "EPFormAction");

public void init()

if (element.args().parmEnumType() == enumnum(EPFormAction) && element.args().parmEnum() == EPFormAction::CreateMode)
//do somethign here


Data Sources

Set the below properties at the individual datasources.

InsertAtEnd : No

InsertIfEmpty : No

Also set Allow* properties on the Data source appropriately.


Adding ranges

public void init()



qbrName = this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventDimCombination)).addRange(fieldnum(InventDimCombination,Name));


qbrItem = this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventDimCombination)).addRange(fieldnum(InventDimCombination,ItemId));



Setting temporary table mode

public void init()



//BP Deviation documented




Initializing values

public void initValue()



// Is form called with a record

if (element.args() && element.args().record())


callerRecord = element.args().record();

// Init opportunity from lead record

if (callerRecord.TableId == tablenum(smmLeadTable))


smmCreateEntity::initFromCommon(callerRecord, smmOpportunityTable);






For validation that are specific to the dataset. ( common table level validation could be at the table level)

public boolean validateWrite()



boolean ret;

ret = super();

if (ret && !VendTable::find(vendrequest.AccountNum))

ret = checkFailed(strfmt("@SYS301682",vendrequest.AccountNum));

if (ret && element.args().managedContentItemName() == #VendRequestStatusChangeAddEdit &&

DirPerson::find(vendRequest.ContactParty) == null)

ret = checkFailed(strfmt("@SYS301683",vendrequest.ContactParty));

return ret;



For updating tables not in the data set and reread

public void write()


if (purchLine.RecId)


purchLine.InventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).InventDimId;


mapLines.insert(purchLine.RecId, purchLine);





For Customizing field lookup. This does not appear in the override method list. But you should be able to manually create this method which will act as override.

void dataSetLookup(SysDataSetLookup sysDataSetLookup)


List list;

Query query;

args = new Args();

list = new List(Types::String);

list.addEnd(fieldstr(ProjTable, ProjId));

list.addEnd(fieldstr(ProjTable, Name));

list.addEnd(fieldstr(ProjTable, Status));



// Call query

query = projTimeSheet_ds.getProjectIDQuery();

// Pass the query to SysDataSetLookup so it result is rendered in the lookup page.




public void modified()









Make sure only one AXDataSourceControl has Role property set to Provider ( or ProviderConsumer) in your user control. If the user control contains other user control then across all these , only one datasourcecontrol should play the provider role.

Always set EnableViewState and PersistState to True( This is the default. Don’t change it)


1. DataKeyNames must point to a one (or set) of unique fields int the DataSetView.

2. If the user control is playing the Provider Role ( a propert on the AX user control webpart) , then at least one AXDataSourceControl should have the Role property set to Provider or ProviderConsumer and the ProviderView is set.


1. Make Sure DataKeyNames set correctly.

2. When Fields are selected for AXGroup using the boundfield designer, sometime the selectedfields are updated to the markup. (Known bug). Update the markup directly and add the boundfields.

3. If the same Axform control is used for different modes than use the EPFormAction parameter set on the WebContent and switch to the right mode

4. Set the DataMember to _Current

5. UpdateOnPostBack is generally set to False. If you need to access the field values entered in the control before the record is persisted in a postback, then set it to true. For example if you want to change the lookup of a second control based on the value entered on the first control, then you would need to set this property.

6. If you are using the Form for Edit operation set AutoGenerateEditButton to true.

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)




private void SetupMode()


switch (this.FormMode)


case ApplicationProxy.EPFormAction.EditMode:

if (this.PageDefinition != null)


this.PageDefinition.pageTitle = Labels.GetLabel("@SYS131104");


this.formVendRequestProfileEdit.DefaultMode = DetailsViewMode.Edit;

this.formVendRequestProfileEdit.AutoGenerateEditButton = true;



this.formVendRequestProfileEdit.DefaultMode = DetailsViewMode.ReadOnly;




8. Derive from AxBaseUserControl if the AxForm control requires RecordContext and should not display any data when there is no record Context.

protected override bool RequiresExternalContext




if (this.FormAction == AppProxy.EPFormAction.CreateMode)


return false;




return true;




9. Some useful code generally used in AXForm controls

//Web part private

AxBaseWebPart _baseWebpart = null;


AxBaseWebPart BaseWebpart




//return the basewebpart if it is not null

if (this._baseWebpart != null)

return this._baseWebpart;

//get the webpart if basewebpart is null

this._baseWebpart = AxBaseWebPart.GetWebpart(this);

return this._baseWebpart;



//Web part managed content item for the page

Proxy.WebManagedContentItem ContentItem




//get the managed content item from the webpart

return this.BaseWebpart == null ? null : this.BaseWebpart.WebManagedContentItem;



private Boolean IsCustomer()


bool isCustomerBool = false;

if (ApplicationProxy.EP.isCustomer(AxSession.AxaptaAdapter))


isCustomerBool = true;


return isCustomerBool;


static AxBoundField GetField(DataControlFieldCollection fields, string name)


foreach (DataControlField field in fields)


AxBoundField boundField = field as AxBoundField;

if (boundField != null && String.Compare(boundField.DataField, name, true) == 0)


return boundField;



return null;


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