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powerobjects: 2018 PO TV Academy Awards

This year we celebrate the 90th Oscar awards ceremony, honoring the best films of 2018. Here in Dynamics land, we’d also like to honor our amazing team members for their outstanding work with the following videos about Dynamics 365. The PO TV Academy Awards, also known as the PO TV Oscars, are awards we like to give out within PowerObjects for artistic and technical excellence for our Dynamics 365 videos. Take a look!

1. Best Supporting Cast Core Values Video:  The PowerObjects Team
It was a given that our Core Values Video would be in the running for this award. This video does a fantastic job explaining our five core values, which ultimately shape the vision and culture at PowerObjects.

2. Best Documentary CRMUG/D365 Summit Nashville
We can confidently say that the 2017 D365/CRMUG Summit in Nashville was hands down the best educational event of the year. This video documents everything from our back-end efforts to the event itself, where PowerObjects experts had multiple presentations, stand-in Q&As, and interactive hands-on sessions.

3. Best Set Design – Microsoft Ignite
Every year, PowerObjects makes an appearance at Microsoft Ignite. This year, however, was special. We unveiled our new booth design, which ended up being a huge attraction for not only our customers but our competitors. The booth helped us stand out and display loud and proud what we’re all about: An HCL Technologies company with 100% focus on Dynamics 365!

4. Best Technical Achievement – PO 360
PO 360 deserves the Best Technical Achievement award hands-down. In this video, we used virtual reality camera equipment to let viewers immerse themselves in a day in the life at PowerObjects. See for yourself what it’s like to work with an award-winning Dynamics 365 Partner!

5. Best Picture – American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation
The American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation, otherwise known as Birkie, was once a small event but has evolved into so much more. It’s fitting for Birkie to have Best Picture because of their unique use case of Dynamics 365 and our PowerPack add-ons.

6. Best Actor  Jake Sapp – D365 In Focus: PowerChat
Seconds into the D365 In Focus: PowerChat video you’ll realize that Jake Sapp is quite a character, which is why he’s become a fan favorite and now stars as lead in other videos such as the PowerChat and PowerSchedule Webcasts. Not only is Jake amiable and have a great sense of humor he’s also extremely knowledgeable, so knowledgeable we consider him a PowerPack Pro. But you be the judge of that!

7. Best Actress – Avni Pandya – D365 In Focus: Citizen Developer
Avni Panya is honored as our best actress because she has delivered an outstanding performance in her leading role as a trainer and educator at PowerObjects, while also working with PO TV. Attend one of her riveting sessions and you’ll see why she is one of our favorite trainers.

8. Best Animated Video ServSmart
Some of the content at PowerObjects can get pretty technical, making it tricky to explain, but with the help of animation, this video was presented in a way that made it easy to understand the benefits of ServSmart. This animated film is rich and engaging and was able to give life to our content, strike the right tone, and visually represent abstract ideas.

9. Best Visual FX  D365 In Focus: Trailer
Looking for a laugh? We are certain you’ll be “taken” by this Dynamics 365 In Focus Trailer! This action-packed trailer shows new beginnings for PowerObjects with its new focus on all things Dynamics 365. Watch for yourself and see how PowerObjects’ consultants have sets of skills that will create nightmares for bad data.

There you have it folks, your winners for the 2018 PO TV Academy Awards! If you’d like to stay up-to-date with our latest PO TV videos be sure to subscribe!

Happy Dynamics 365’ing!

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