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create procedure sys.sp_tables при синхронизации
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Помогите разобраться. Axapta 2012 R3 CU13 Запустил полную синхронизацию базы. Раз в 10 секунд проскакивает запрос X++: create procedure sys.sp_tables ( @table_name nvarchar(384) = null, @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @table_type varchar(100) = null, @fUsePattern bit = 1 -- To allow users to explicitly disable all pattern matching. ) as declare @type1 varchar(3) declare @qual_name nvarchar(517) -- [schema].[table] declare @table_id int if @table_qualifier = '%' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' begin -- Debug output, do not remove it. -- print 'Special feature #1: enumerate databases when owner and name are blank but qualifier is explicitly "%".' select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,d.name), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.databases d where d.name <> 'model' -- eliminate MODEL database order by 1 return end if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '%' and @table_name = '' begin -- Debug output, do not remove it. -- print 'Special feature #2: enumerate owners when qualifier and name are blank but owner is explicitly "%". select distinct TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(o.schema_id)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o where o.type in ('S','U','V') -- limit columns to tables and views only order by 2 return end if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' and @table_type = '%' begin -- Debug output, do not remove it. -- print 'Special feature #3: enumerate table types when qualifier, owner and name are blank but table type is explicitly "%".' select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32), rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLETABLE VIEW',(c.column_id-1)*12+1,12))), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o, sys.all_columns c where o.object_id = c.object_id and o.object_id = object_id('sysusers') and c.column_id <= 3 -- ISSUE - what is this for ??? return end -- -- End of special features - do normal processing. -- if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin if @table_qualifier = '' begin -- If empty qualifier supplied, force an empty result set. select @table_name = '' select @table_owner = '' end else begin -- If qualifier doesn't match current database. raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end select @table_qualifier = null -- it's not needed anymore if @table_type is null begin -- Select all ODBC supported table types. select @type1 = 'SUV' end else begin -- TableType is case sensitive if CS server. if (charindex('''SYSTEM TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = 'S' -- Add System Tables. else select @type1 = '' if (charindex('''TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'U' -- Add User Tables. if (charindex('''VIEW''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'V' -- Add Views. end if @table_name is not null begin if (@table_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @table_name) = 0) begin -- If owner not specified and table contains wildchar. if exists ( select * from sys.all_objects o where o.schema_id = schema_id() and o.object_id = object_id(@table_name) and o.type in ('U','V','S') ) begin -- Override supplied owner w/owner of table. select @table_owner = schema_name() end end end select @qual_name = isnull(quotename(@table_owner), '') + '.' + quotename(@table_name) select @table_id = object_id(@qual_name) if (@fUsePattern = 1) -- Does the user want it? begin if ((isnull(charindex('%', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('%', @table_owner),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @table_owner),0) = 0) and (@table_id is not null)) begin select @fUsePattern = 0 -- not a single wild char, so go the fast way. end end if @fUsePattern = 0 begin /* -- Debug output, do not remove it. print '*************' print 'There is NO pattern matching.' print @fUsePattern print isnull(@table_name, '@table_name = null') print isnull(@table_owner, '@table_owner = null') print isnull(@table_type, '@table_type = null') print isnull(@type1, '@type1 = null') print '*************' */ select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(o.schema_id)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32), rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLE TABLE VIEW ', (ascii(o.type)-83)*12+1,12)) -- 'S'=0,'U'=2,'V'=3 ), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o where o.object_id = @table_id and (o.type in ('U','V') or (o.type in ('S') and has_perms_by_name(@qual_name, 'object', 'select') = 1)) and charindex(substring(o.type,1,1),@type1) <> 0 -- Only desired types. order by 4, 1, 2, 3 end else begin /* -- Debug output, do not remove it. print '*************' print 'THERE IS pattern matching!' print @fUsePattern print isnull(@table_name, '@table_name = null') print isnull(@table_owner, '@table_owner = null') print isnull(@table_type, '@table_type = null') print isnull(@type1, '@type1 = null') print '*************' */ select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(o.schema_id)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,o.name), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32), rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLE TABLE VIEW ', (ascii(o.type)-83)*12+1, 12)) -- 'S'=0,'U'=2,'V'=3 ), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o where (o.type in ('U','V') or (o.type in ('S') and has_perms_by_name(quotename(schema_name(o.schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(o.name), 'object', 'select') = 1)) and charindex(substring(o.type,1,1),@type1) <> 0 and -- Only desired types. (@table_name is NULL or o.name like @table_name) and (@table_owner is NULL or schema_name(o.schema_id) like @table_owner) order by 4, 1, 2, 3 end Хранимка уже есть, зачем постоянно пытаться ее создавать ? |
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