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Kashperuk Ivan: SysCompilerTarget - compiling X++ code without showing the compilation window
Источник: http://kashperuk.blogspot.com/2009/1...ng-x-code.html
============== I have been posed with a question about how to avoid showing the compilation window during compilation of some X++ code (When doing compilation from code, naturally). So I decided to post a possible solution for this question, re-using one of my previous posts about ClassBuild class. Basically, AOTcompile method on TreeNode class supports an optional flag, controlling the compilation output: An integer that indicates whether output should be sent to the message box. If the value 1 is passed, no output is sent to the message box. The default value is 0. This parameter is optional.So all we need to do now is change the compilation output target to Message Window. Looking at the SysCompilerSetup form code, it's rather easy to come up with the following code: static void SysCompilerTargetExample(Args _args) { ClassBuild classBuild; DictClass dictClass; SysCompilerTarget targetOrig; ; // Setting Compilation Target = Message Window targetOrig = SysUserInfo::compilerTarget(); SysUserInfo::compilerTarget(SysCompilerTarget::MessageWindow); SysCompilerOutput::setCompilerTarget(SysCompilerTarget::MessageWindow); SysCompilerOutput::updateParm(); // Building the class with 1 method classBuild = new ClassBuild("TRN_ClassBuild", false); classBuild.addMethod("test", 'void test()\n{\n}'); classBuild.addSourceToMethod("test", @" ; info('We created a Class and can call its methods');"); // The actual compilation. Note the _flag argument == 1 classBuild.classNode().AOTcompile(1); // Call the class method to show that we are done and the code is compiled dictClass = new DictClass(className2Id(classBuild.name())); dictClass.callObject('test', dictClass.makeObject()); // Restoring Compilation Target to its original value SysUserInfo::compilerTarget(targetOrig); SysCompilerOutput::setCompilerTarget(targetOrig); SysCompilerOutput::updateParm(); } Don't forget to restore the original settings after the compilation is complete, as shown above. Источник: http://kashperuk.blogspot.com/2009/1...ng-x-code.html
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