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Старый 22.11.2011, 13:11   #1  
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ukax: Information Source for Microsoft Dynamics AX (Beta)


Microsoft Dynamics InformationSource is a set of Services that enables YOU, our Partners, to gain control and deliver predictable implementations of Microsoft Dynamics AX. With InformationSource, you have the resources at your fingertips to analyze, design, configure and customize your ERP solution following Microsoft Dynamics solution architecture best practices.

Resources and Services:

Questions and Response Library

The Library provides you with an exhaustive list of answered questions that a customer may ask in his effort to understand if Microsoft Dynamics AX is a fit to their business, these Q&A could be coming from the customer in a form of RFI or RFP. Every answer is tagged with either supporting document, PowerPoint or a how to video; you could look for or find relevant questions using the industry, process, module or persona.
Core Concepts
A complete listing of most of the features of Microsoft Dynamics AX, the Core Concept section contains an overview of the feature as a word document, a PowerPoint slide deck that could be used to describe the feature in a demo, as well as a how to video detailing how to use, configure and utilize the capability.

  • Intelligent data management: Designed to help system administrators optimize the Dynamics AX database size and performance by purging or archiving data
  • Application analysis: Designed to assist Dynamics AX developers analyze and understand the X++ code and data model that makes up the Dynamics AX application
  • Security Upgrade Advisor: With the Changes in the Dynamics AX security models, the advisor is intended to help simplify the upgrade process from the earlier versions to the new model faster and easier
  • Code Upgrade Advisor: Designed to help Microsoft Dynamics AX developers upgrade their X++ code part of the Dynamics AX 2012 rollout
Over the coming weeks you will see more content added to InformationSource.

Accessing InformationSource:

  • For Partners you can access InformationSource, through PartnerSource here signing up through the use of your Windows Live ID
  • For Customers, you can access InformationSource through CustomerSource here signing up through the use of your Windows Live ID
As mentioned, the tool is still in a Beta phase, so make sure you get signed up and feedback on the tool!

Posted By Fee Nolan

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