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Microsoft Dynamics NAV supports unlimited dimensions and unlimited dimension values. You can create as many as you want, and you can use those all across the application. You can give two of these dimensions special treatment by setting them up as global dimensions. What is special about the global dimensions is that their values are stored directly on the records they belong to. All other dimension values are stored in a separate table. This means that you can filter on these two dimensions. In many places in the standard application, we have placed Global Dimension Filter fields that can be used to filter FlowFields. However, to get any data on any of the other dimensions, you would have to rely on Analysis Views to retrieve the information.
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the dimensions functionality has been heavily redesigned. Instead of storing all individual dimension values for each record in separate tables, each unique combination of dimensions and values gets an ID, and this dimension set ID is stored directly on the record that those values belong to. With this change, we have taken an important step: to store all information about dimensions and their values directly on the record. Since all the required information is stored on the record, though somewhat indirectly, it will now be possible to filter on any dimension and any dimension value. As it turns out, it is, and it’s not that hard to do. This blog entry describes some suggested patterns for using filters on dimension set IDs. As mentioned, the records contain dimension set IDs, which are integers that represent the combination of dimension values for a specific record. The biggest problem is to convert a typical filter on a dimension into a filter of dimension set IDs. Fortunately, we already have a few functions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV that can provide that information. With these functions in mind, we can build a page where you can input any combination of dimensions and dimension values in the form of filters, and you can then calculate the corresponding set of dimension set IDs. With all of these IDs, we can build one long filter string and use it to filter on the dimension set ID field. This enables, with relative ease, direct filtering on Dimension Values. So here’s what that page could look like (as text representation): OBJECT Page 50000 Dimension Set ID Filter { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=; Time=; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { SourceTable=Table348; PageType=List; SourceTableTemporary=Yes; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN SetDimensionValueFilter END; OnNewRecord=BEGIN DimensionValueFilter := '' END; OnDeleteRecord=BEGIN TempDimensionValue.SETRANGE("Dimension Code",Code); TempDimensionValue.DELETEALL; DELETE; EXIT(FALSE) END; } CONTROLS { { 1 ; ;Container ; ContainerType=ContentArea } { 4 ;1 ;Group ; GroupType=Repeater } { 2 ;2 ;Field ; SourceExpr=Code; TableRelation=Dimension.Code } { 3 ;2 ;Field ; CaptionML=ENU=Dimension Value Filter; SourceExpr=DimensionValueFilter; OnValidate=BEGIN InsertDimensionValues(DimensionValueFilter) END; OnLookup=VAR DimensionValue@1000 : Record 349; BEGIN DimensionValue.LookUpDimFilter(Code,Text); EXIT(TRUE) END; } } CODE { VAR TempDimensionValue@1001 : TEMPORARY Record 349; DimensionValueFilter@1000 : Text; LOCAL PROCEDURE GetFilterString@28() Filter : Text; VAR DimensionMgt@1000 : Codeunit 408; SelectionFilterManagement@1001 : Codeunit 46; NextFilterChunk@1002 : Text; BEGIN IF FINDSET THEN REPEAT TempDimensionValue.SETRANGE("Dimension Code",Code); DimensionMgt.GetDimSetIDsForFilter(Code, SelectionFilterManagement.GetSelectionFilterForDimensionValue(TempDimensionValue)) UNTIL NEXT = 0; NextFilterChunk := DimensionMgt.GetNextDimSetFilterChunk(1024); WHILE NextFilterChunk <> '' DO BEGIN Filter += NextFilterChunk; NextFilterChunk := DimensionMgt.GetNextDimSetFilterChunk(1024) END END; LOCAL PROCEDURE InsertDimensionValues@1(NewFilter@1000 : Text); VAR DimensionValue@1001 : Record 349; BEGIN TempDimensionValue.SETRANGE("Dimension Code",Code); TempDimensionValue.DELETEALL; DimensionValue.SETRANGE("Dimension Code",Code); DimensionValue.SETFILTER(Code,NewFilter); IF DimensionValue.FINDSET THEN BEGIN TempDimensionValue."Dimension Code" := DimensionValue."Dimension Code"; REPEAT TempDimensionValue.Code := DimensionValue.Code; TempDimensionValue.INSERT UNTIL DimensionValue.NEXT = 0 END END; LOCAL PROCEDURE SetDimensionValueFilter@2(); VAR SelectionFilterManagement@1000 : Codeunit 46; BEGIN TempDimensionValue.SETRANGE("Dimension Code",Code); DimensionValueFilter := SelectionFilterManagement.GetSelectionFilterForDimensionValue(TempDimensionValue); TempDimensionValue.SETRANGE("Dimension Code") END; PROCEDURE LookupFilter@6() : Text; VAR DimSetIDFilterPage@1001 : Page 50000; BEGIN DimSetIDFilterPage.SetTempDimTables(Rec,TempDimensionValue); DimSetIDFilterPage.EDITABLE(TRUE); DimSetIDFilterPage.RUNMODAL; DimSetIDFilterPage.GetTempDimTables(Rec,TempDimensionValue); EXIT(GetFilterString) END; PROCEDURE GetTempDimTables@8(VAR NewDimension@1000 : Record 348;VAR NewDimensionValue@1001 : Record 349); BEGIN NewDimension.COPY(Rec,TRUE); NewDimensionValue.COPY(TempDimensionValue,TRUE) END; PROCEDURE SetTempDimTables@3(VAR NewDimension@1000 : Record 348;VAR NewDimensionValue@1001 : Record 349); BEGIN COPY(NewDimension,TRUE); TempDimensionValue.COPY(NewDimensionValue,TRUE) END; BEGIN END. } } Let’s look at some of the elements on this page in more detail:
Here’s the Global Variable and the action that I added to the General Ledger Entries page (just below Action 50 GLDimensionOverview): DimSetIDFilterPage@1001 : Page 50000; { 3 ;2 ;Action ; Ellipsis=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Set Dimension Filter; Image=Filter; OnAction=BEGIN SETFILTER("Dimension Set ID",DimSetIDFilterPage.LookupFilter) END; } Now that we have the page and the action, we can run it and see what it looks like and how the filtering will work: In page 20 General Ledger Entries, in the Entry group, choose Set Dimension Filter. ![]() The new page that I added opens, and you can use the lookup on the Code column and the Dimension Value Filter field to select the values you want filtered as shown in the following screenshot: ![]() When you choose the OK button, the General Ledger Entries page will be filtered by the corresponding dimension set IDs that will be shown on the page as illustrated by the following screenshot: ![]() This was a fairly simple example to show how you can use dimension set IDs. But of course we can make the filter more complex. For example, if you want to know which records have the combination of AREA=30, BUSINESSGROUP=OFFICE and SALESPERSON=JR, you could set up a filter as shown in the following screenshot: ![]() We can also find out which records do not have a value for one or more dimensions. For example, the following screenshot illustrates a filter to show records with AREA 30 or 40 that do not have a value for PROJECT and SALESPERSON: ![]() You can enter any filter using all of the operators you already know, such as .., <>, & and |. This seems nice so far, but I would also want to be able to apply these filters to a page like Chart of Accounts and have the amounts reflect the applied filters. This change requires a new field and a small change to the FlowFields on table 15 G/L Account. The new field will be a FlowFilter field: { 50000; ;Dimension Set ID Filter;Integer ;FieldClass=FlowFilter } Additionally, change the CalcFormula for each FlowField that you want filtered such as the following example for field 32 Net Change: CalcFormula=Sum("G/L Entry".Amount WHERE (G/L Account No.=FIELD(No.), G/L Account No.=FIELD(FILTER(Totaling)), Business Unit Code=FIELD(Business Unit Filter), Global Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter), Global Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter), Posting Date=FIELD(Date Filter), Dimension Set ID=FIELD(Dimension Set ID Filter))); The action on page 16 Chart of Accounts is very similar to the one on page 20 General Ledger Entries that we created earlier. We just need to change the field we apply the filter to, so change the code to the following: DimSetIDFilterPage@1003 : Page 50000; { 5 ;3 ;Action ; Ellipsis=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Set Dimension Filter; Image=Filter; OnAction=BEGIN SETFILTER("Dimension Set ID Filter",DimSetIDFilterPage.LookupFilter) END; } That was it! Now you can filter directly on any dimension and any combination of dimensions on the chart of accounts and have the amounts be filtered. When you drill down on an amount, the filter will be carried over so you can see exactly which records make up the sum. There are many more pages in the standard application for Microsoft Dynamics NAV where you can add actions such the two described above. So please add these filters wherever you find it useful. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments on the feature and the code! -Gert Robyns Источник: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Micro...on-values.aspx
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