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Старый 05.03.2012, 09:43   #1  
kaw is offline
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Регистрация: 23.03.2004
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решил протестировать AifMSMQAdapter (Ax 4.0)

1 шаг
Configure Message Queuing to work with Microsoft Dynamics AX

2 шаг
Основное \ Настройка \ AIF \ Адаптеры транспортировки => AifMSMQAdapter

3 шаг
Основное \ Настройка \ AIF \ Каналы => AifMSMQAdapter (адрес = \\MyPC\private$\MyMsmq\ )

выдает ошибку:
Метод "validateConfiguration" в COM-объекте класса "Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.Adapter.MessageQueue" возвратил код ошибки 0x80131509 (<неизвестно>), который означает: Message Queuing has not been installed on this computer.
в документации MSMQ_faq_updated нашел :
14.15 MSMQ is installed and running but my .NET application fails with exception "Message Queuing has not been installed on this computer". Why?
One possible problem is that your assembly includes a DLL with a name identical to an operating system dll (for example, "security.dll"). In that case, MQRT.dll (the MSMQ runtime) will try to load the dll from the assembly instead of loading the operating system dll. It fails and cannot be loaded. Then .NET concludes that MSMQ is not installed, because it cannot load MQRT.
To troubleshoot this, enable "Show Loader snaps" in Gflags and run your process under windbg. It will trace modules load and unload. (To find more about Gflags, search for the word "Gflags" at ).
You could also use the Assembly Binding Log Viewer to display details for failed assembly binds. This information helps you diagnose why the .NET Framework cannot locate an assembly at run time. These failures are usually the result of an assembly deployed to the wrong location or a mismatch in version numbers or cultures. The common language runtime's failure to locate an assembly typically shows up as a TypeLoadException in your application. Read the following article for more information on the Assembly Binding Log viewer tool.
Но что-то не удается разобраться. Может кто сталкивался ?!
aif, msmq


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