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Старый 15.02.2007, 19:10   #1  
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Kashperuk Ivan: AxCopyTableFieldListToClipboard - another IDE exte...

AxCopyTableFieldListToClipboard - another IDE extension tool for Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0

Hello, readers.

Here is another tool for Dynamics AX developers.

All it does is populates the Windows Clipboard with the lines that you can paste into your code, so you won't have to retype the same code many times.

Download the tool here

Features (You can ... ):
  1. Insert a variable declaration before using the name; You will have to move the declaration where it belongs if pasting in the middle of a method.
  2. Insert a call to clear() method of a table variable in order to clear its contents. This is useful, for example, when doing inserts in a loop.
  3. Specify a different variable name than the one by default (tableName). If the variable is unacceptable, the image on the right will point out the mistake.
  4. Choose which fields to copy into the clipboard. There are 2 presets so far. The list will be extended in future releases.
  5. Insert a call to insert() or update() after the lines with field values assignment.
The tool can be integrated into the system in a couple of ways:
  • Insert the menuItem AxCopyTableFieldListToClipboard into the SysContextMenu menu. The text "Copy Table FieldList" will be automatically added to the context menu on AOT objects. In order to sort this out and show the text only for tables, you have to modify the method verifyItem of the SysContextMenu class. Paste the following code into the appropriate section (after case MenuItemType::Action:)
//--> AxCopyTableFieldListToClipboard_ikash date=2007-02-11 txt='Show in menu only for tables'
case menuItemActionStr(AxCopyTableFieldListToClipboard):
if (this.selectionCount() != 1 firstNode.AOTIsOld())
return 0;

if (!docNode && firstNode.sysNodeType() == 204)
return 1;

return 0;
<span style="color:#006600;">//

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