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Старый 27.03.2007, 06:41   #1  
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Lizzy Lou: "My Space" for Finance Folks
Wow, been a long time since I've posted here. I guess it's a long time coming. So much has happened since my last post. The big topic as of late is the new Microsoft Dynamics Live Finance Community. This was just launched a couple of weeks ago at Microsoft's Convergence conference in San Diego (which was fantastic by the way).
This new community is geared toward people who work in finance roles. Anyone from the CFO to the Accounts Payable clerk. My team was responsible for this launch and we are really excited about it - as are some press and analysts! We did some poking around the internet to see if such a place existed and found that it did not! So what is this all about? Basically it's a place where finance folks can get together, and interact with each other on finance topics. Not being a finance professional by trade, I probably don't have the best examples, but it's a way for people to share best practices, learn from other finance organizations. Maybe someone else does things more efficiently than your organization? Or maybe you are using a specific financial application and you are attempting to do XYZ with it, but don't understand how.
For more info about the community, including unbiased opinions, check out the following links: 


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