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Старый 06.06.2007, 10:07   #1  
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Dynamics AX: Yellow Lock in Dynamics AX 4.01
Alright not to get off the subject about the .Net BC and custom code in .Net using it. But I did come across something, that I guess I have never had to come across before. Anyway we have custom code on a form where we had to make use of the TabChanged() method. This was needed, best thing for the mod, so there you go.

Well when users wanted to move some fields around on the lines level, they could not. When you right clicked, and then clicked on setup, you see Yellow Locks on all the objects in the tree view, under the tab control where the TabChanged() method was modified. So in research of this issue, turns out that this is "Working as Designed" as the *Offical* word from Mcirosoft Dynamics Support.

This means that you can't have your cake and eat it too, for this type of situation. Basically you modify the TabChanged() ot TabChange() methods of a tab control, and you lock all fields in place as they exist in the AOT. So for everyone else who might run into this, just be aware this is the issue. The solution, do Not change those two methods, or just accept the users can't change the fields around and change them for the collective whole in the AOT.

Well check back as I continue my talks about the .Net BC and it's use for developing a custom ASP.Net application!

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