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Старый 23.09.2008, 04:16   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: CRM Accelerators – Part VII – CRM Notifications Accelerator

Last week we introduced the Extended Sales Forecasting Accelerator which is part of the CRM Accelerators for Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers and partners to be released in the next few months, each week we will unveil more details of each accelerator. In this article we feature the CRM Notifications Accelerator.

CRM Notifications Accelerator

The CRM notifications accelerator allows users to subscribe to the CRM “business events” that are significant to them, e.g. a salesperson is interested in new leads and opportunities assigned to them whereas a customer service representative is interested in new service cases assigned to them. Once the user has subscribed (each user manages their subscription profile) to the types of events that are important to them they can elect how they want these event notifications to be delivered. Notifications are delivered via a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and can be consumed with many desktop tools including Microsoft Outlook 2007 or the standard news feed Windows Vista® gadget.

The CRM notifications accelerator further drives system and process efficiency for users by giving them visibility into the business events which are directly relevant to their role.

Kind regards,

Reuben Krippner

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