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Старый 18.04.2009, 22:05   #1  
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mscrm4ever: CRM 4.0 Global Interface Security Package

GI Security Package is a complementary security solution for Dynamics. The package leverages the following wizards:

Field Level Security wizard (FLS)

Enables your organization to decide which fields and data are available and visible for each business unit, role and user.

Public View Manager (PVS)

Enables your organization to enhance and target business objectives by hiding, re-arranging and setting default views for each business unit, role and user.

State and Status Security wizard (SMW)

Enables your organization to decide which CRM functionality (e.g. wining an opportunity, fulfilling an invoice) is available for each business unit, role and user.

Together the security package enables your organization to enforce common security requirements and achieve common business goals out of the box. The benefits of using the security package are substantial as it eliminates development effort, ensures a low TCO and a faster ROI.

The Security Package is offered at a discounted price. Visit the Security Package product page for Pricing Information and Video Demonatrations.

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