25.11.2009, 19:05 | #1 |
mfp: AX models - Part 4 - Working with models inside MorphX
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/mfp/archive/20...de-morphx.aspx
============== This is my final post on models in AX for Milestone 2 (M2). Since my last post (link) the Dynamics AX organization has exited M2 - this means that all planed M2 features are implemented, tested, and all exit criteria passed. The exit criteria ensure quality by enforcing a required bar for a number of metrices across all teams, such as code coverage, no severe bugs remaining, etc. All this is very interesting, but not what I want to talk about today. When you start AX you can specify a current model. There are several ways of specifying the current model, including a command line option to AX32.exe, This aligns very well with how you specify the current layer when starting AX. Just like the current layer, the current model is shown in the status bar of the MorphX workspace: Unlike the current layer, you can change the current model without restarting AX. However, you can only change to a model that exists in the current layer. You change the current model by clicking the model in the status bar - this gives the same experience as when changing the current company accounts. When you create new elements (or overlayer existing elements) in the AOT the resulting new element is created in the current model. In the AOT you can see the model for each element. It is displayed next to the layer indicator. Just like the layer indicator, you can in Tools | Options specify when to show the model indicator. Here is a screenshot where the model indicator is shown for all elements: Notice, that the model indicator only shows the model for the top-most element. i.e. if an element exists in both SYS and USR layer, only the model for the USR element is shown. You can also move an element to a different model. You do this by selecting "Move to model" from the context menu in the AOT. It will bring up a small dialog, where you can pick the available models in the current layer. Wrapping up This concludes my introduction of models. In AX6 you will be working with models in many scenarios. Here are the highligths:
============== Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/mfp/archive/20...de-morphx.aspx
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