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Старый 05.05.2011, 15:11   #1  
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crminthefield: Workflow and Async records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

One thing I often notice when reviewing deployments of Microsoft CRM is that the tables used to store records regarding workflow and async processes can get very large.  Specifically the AsyncOperationBase and WorkflowLogBase tables.   By default, the records in these tables are stored indefinitely, when in fact after a point in the time business value of the information may not justify the extra space in the database.  If a lot of workflow is being used in the deployment, these tables can grow quickly and can sometimes cause performance issues.  There is some information available in KB articles on how a couple of registry keys can change the way these records are handled.  The video below shows how these keys affect the records and how this has changed a bit in CRM 2011.  Links to the KB articles explained in the video are also below.  Whether or not these records are stored or removed will need to be a decision made for each deployment individually as each customer has different business rules.  However in most cases, at some point it will make sense to remove some of these records.



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