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Danny Varghese: CRM 2011 Installing User/Service Account Permissions

I’ve been asked a few times now from clients’ IT departments, what are the requirements/permissions needed for the Dynamics CRM installing user, as well as permissions needed for accounts running any of the installed CRM services.

The CRM 2011 planning guide is quite large and can be arduous to read through.  I’ve extracted out the important information into the following points below:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup

The user account used to run Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup that includes the creation of databases requires the following minimum permissions:
  • Be a member of the Active Directory Domain Users group. By default, Active Directory Users and Computers adds new users to the Domain Users group.
  • Be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer where Setup is running.
  • Have Local Program Files folder read and write permission.
  • Be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer where the instance of SQL Server is located that will be used to store the Microsoft Dynamics CRM databases.
  • Have sysadmin membership on the instance of SQL Server that will be used to store the Microsoft Dynamics CRM databases.
  • Have organization and security group creation permission in Active Directory service (ADDS).
  • If Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is installed on a different server, you must add the Content Manager role at the root level for the installing user account. You must also add the System Administrator role at the site-wide level for the installing user account.
Services and CRMAppPool IIS Application Pool Identity Permissions

The user account that is used for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM services and IIS application pools must meet the following criteria:
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM services and application pool identity accounts must not be configured as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM user. Doing so can cause authentication issues and unexpected behavior in the application for all Microsoft Dynamics CRM users.
  • Managed service accounts, introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2, are not supported for running Microsoft Dynamics CRM services.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sandbox Processing Service

Sandbox Processing Service server role enables an isolated environment to allow for the execution of custom code, such as plug-ins.
  • Domain User membership.
  • That account must be granted the Logon as service permission in the Local Security Policy.
  • Folder read and write permission on the \Trace, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Trace, and user account %AppData% folders on the local computer.
  • Read permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM subkey in the Windows Registry.
  • The service account may need an SPN (server principal name) for the URL used to access the Web site that is associated with it. To set the SPN for the Sandbox Processing Service account, run the following command at a command prompt on the computer where the service is running.
  • SETSPN –a MSCRMSandboxService/
Services and CRMAppPool IIS Application Pool Identity Permissions

The user account that is used for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM services and IIS application pools must meet the following criteria:
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM services and application pool identity accounts must not be configured as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM user. Doing so can cause authentication issues and unexpected behavior in the application for all Microsoft Dynamics CRM users.
  • Managed service accounts, introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2, are not supported for running Microsoft Dynamics CRM services.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sandbox Processing Service
  • Domain User membership.
  • That account must be granted the Logon as service permission in the Local Security Policy.
  • Folder read and write permission on the \Trace, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Trace, and user account %AppData% folders on the local computer.
  • Read permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM subkey in the Windows Registry.
  • The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the Web site that is associated with it. To set the SPN for the Sandbox Processing Service account, run the following command at a command prompt on the computer where the service is running.
  • SETSPN –a MSCRMSandboxService/
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service
  • Domain User membership.
  • Performance Log Users membership.
  • That account must be granted the Logon as service permission in the Local Security Policy.
  • Folder read and write permission on the Trace folder, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\, and user account %AppData% folder on the local computer.
  • Read and write permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\MSCRMSandboxService subkeys in the Windows Registry.
  • The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the Web site that is associated with it.
Deployment Web Service (CRMDeploymentServiceAppPool Application Pool identity)
  • Domain User membership
  • That account must be granted the Logon as service permission in the Local Security Policy.
  • Local administrator group membership on the computer where the Deployment Web Service is running.
  • Local administrator group membership on the computer where SQL Server is running.
  • Sysadmin permission on the instance of SQL Server to be used for the configuration and organization databases.
  • Folder read and write permission on the Trace and CRMWeb folders, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\, and user account %AppData% folder on the local computer.
  • Read and write permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\MSCRMSandboxService subkeys in the Windows Registry.
  • CRM_WPG group membership.  This group is used for IIS worker processes. The group is created and the membership is added during Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup.
  • The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the Web site that is associated with it.
Application Service (CRMAppPool IIS Application Pool identity)
  • Member of the Active Directory Domain Users group.
  • Member of the Active Directory Performance Log Users group.
  • Administrators local group membership on the computer where SQL Server is running.
  • Administrators local group membership on the computer where the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web site is installed.
  • Folder read and write permission on the Trace and CRMWeb folders, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\, and user account %AppData% folder on the local computer.
  • Read and write permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\MSCRMSandboxService subkeys in the Windows Registry.
  • CRM_WPG group membership. This group is used for IIS worker processes. The group is created and the membership is added during Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup.
  • The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the Web site that is associated with it.

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