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Ronni Mattsson: Information source for Dynamics AX Solution architects
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/microsoft_dy...rchitects.aspx
============== Please find a lot of great content for you Solution architect out there on Information Source. http://informationsource.dynamics.co...ervicesonline/ Microsoft Dynamics InformationSource is currently in Beta and we will be making this site accessible to all users who have a PartnerSource or CustomerSource login. Selected early adopters have access to the resources in the portal and we will open access to more users as we progress through the Beta phase. Microsoft Dynamics InformationSource is a set of services that enables YOU, our Customers and Partners, to gain control and deliver predictable implementations of Microsoft Dynamics AX. With InformationSource, you have the resources at your fingertips to analyze, design, configure and customize your ERP solution following Microsoft Dynamics solution architecture best practices. Coupled with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step, our implementation methodology, and Microsoft Dynamics ERP RapidStart Services, InformationSource brings a wealth of information you need to implement the next generation of ERP software. Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/microsoft_dy...rchitects.aspx
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