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Старый 10.01.2012, 18:12   #1  
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ukax: Sure Step Online Project Wizard

Hello All,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the launch of the Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step Online Project Wizard. This release is the second step of a long term architectural change moving away from the current 400mb client download
for each language, to a Silverlight application available on Partner Source and Customer Source.

To date, the Online version of Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step has received very positive feedback from users and bloggers alike.

What’s new in this release?

Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step Online Project Wizard enables the ability to create specific Sure Step projects in a partner or customer’s SharePoint environment all from within their own SharePoint environment. In Sure Step, projects are
a collection of documents, tools, and templates that is automatically generated based upon filtering criteria selected. When creating a new project, Sure Step Online will retrieve the latest Sure Step content ensuring projects
are always up to date. Some key facts include:

  • Projects can be created for specific Sure Step Project Types, a specific Microsoft Dynamics Product and Solution. New projects will contain copies of all Sure Step documents applicable to these criteria.

  • Projects are editable. You can customize them to leverage your own best practices, to make them customer- or solution-specific.

  • Projects can be copied, or “cloned“ from within SharePoint using SharePoint functionality.

  • There is no limit to the number of projects you can create. A new project can be initiated for each engagement.

  • Each time a project is created using the wizard, the latest content available from Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step Online will be retrieved.

  • Projects can be created in SharePoint On-Premise and SharePoint Online.
This release marks the end of any further enhancements to the downloadable Sure Step client, no further client or content enhancements will be made to Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step 2012. Going forward all new updates will be made available only to
Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step Online.

To learn more about Sure Step Online, please visit the Sure Step page on PartnerSource

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