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Старый 29.10.2004, 17:37   #1  
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Регистрация: 29.11.2001
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Записей в блоге: 10
REDWOOD SHORES, CALIF. -- Oracle (Profile, Products, Articles) Corp. plans to finally ship the next version of its E-Business Suite of enterprise applications on Monday Nov. 8, company executives said Thursday.

The Redwood Shores, California-based software maker officially unveiled E-Business Suite 11i.10 at its OpenWorld conference in London in early September. At the time Oracle said customers would be able to get their hands on the delayed software within 60 days.

The ship date has now been set for Nov. 8, at which time the product will be available in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian, Steve Miranda, Oracle's vice president of financials applications development said in a presentation at an event for system integrators at Oracle's headquarters Thursday. Other languages will follow shortly, he said.

At Thursday's event, Oracle pitched the system integrators on the industry specific features of 11i.10, which it also discussed at OpenWorld. The company has said 11i.10 includes at least 2,100 new capabilities.

The investments to target specific industries will continue, Charles Phillips, Oracle's president, said Thursday. "The next wave of our applications investment will be by vertical. Some of it will be by acquisitions," Phillips said. He did not provide any further information about Oracle's plans, but an Oracle spokeswoman said Oracle's bid for PeopleSoft (Profile, Products, Articles) Inc. is one of those acquisitions.

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