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Старый 15.12.2007, 01:11   #1  
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axStart: Mass update on table properties

We all have run in trouble in the past when for a lot of tables the same update needs to be done:
Below script can help you out. It will look in all tables that are in the database (SQLDictionary)
Next it will find the related AOT Tree node.

static void ChangeTableProperties(Args _args)
    SQLDictionary   dictionary;
    TreeNode        treeNode;
    str             properties;
    while select dictionary
    where dictionary.fieldId == 0 && like("Proj*")
        treeNode     = TreeNode::findNode('\\data dictionary\\tables\\';
        if (treeNode)
            properties = treeNode.AOTgetProperties();
            properties = setProperty(properties, 'CreatedDate', 'Yes');
            properties = setProperty(properties, 'CreatedTime', 'Yes');
            properties = setProperty(properties, 'CreatedBy', 'Yes');

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