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Старый 22.03.2011, 22:11   #1  
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dynamics-ax: DynamicsWorld Top 100 Voting for 2011 Started last week

While I was on vacation, the voting for the top 100 most Influential people in Microsoft Dynamics Ecosystem started.

This is hosted by and has become and interesting social exercise. What I think is also interesting is that they have already had 15,000 unique voters, with 25k votes casted.

Because of this, they refreshed the polls, and counted the unique votes. You can vote by going to the site, or the poll I am on, can be viewed here if you feel like voting for me. ;-)

The Poll I'm on

I've seen all kinds of voting on this, where some had some automated voting setup to where they got like 5k+ votes within a single day! I'm glad that DynamicsWorld is keeping up with unique voters, as it makes it a true picture of the amount of people voting, and from what area they are voting.

So good luck to everyone, and I am just honored to be on the voting for a third year!

That's all for now, check back soon though as more to come! Till then!

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Старый 25.03.2011, 01:13   #2  
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The Death of Reason: Microsoft Dynamics Most Influential Person? Me?

Well, somehow I got into the nominee list for the DynamicsWorld beauty contest entitled “The Microsoft Dynamics Most Influential Person”.  Assuming Ballmer’s fans don’t fix the vote, and Polino/Carlson/Weldon/Johnson/Musgrave/Holst-Jensen fans amazingly call in sick, I may (stress the word “may”) have the smallest chance of ranking 20th if, and only if, my tens of devoted readers click this link ( and vote for me, the humblest blogger in the Dynamics space.

Take a screen shot of the voting process, show it to me at Convergence, and I’ll buy you a beer.  Of course, you’ll have to wend your way through all my admiring fans surrounding me at the bar, but, trust me, its worth the effort.

Filed under: General Comments Tagged: Dynamics, DynamicsWorld, Most Influential

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Старый 04.04.2011, 18:11   #3  
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The Death of Reason: Apparently, Not Particularly Influential


I am totally getting my butt kicked by the ever attractive Gianmarco Salzano and the Nav guru Guobjartur Pall Guobjartsson in the most recent DynamicsWorld Top 100 Most Influential Dynamics Professional poll.

Any help out there?  Remember, bring you proof of voting to Convergence and I’ll buy you a beer.  You can vote here:

Filed under: General Comments, Publications Tagged: Most Influential

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