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Старый 05.02.2005, 21:47   #1  
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Functionality holes and a slow product-upgrade cycle have created headaches and opportunities for Microsoft Corp.'s CRM partners. Those partners are looking to the long-awaited Version 2 of Microsoft's customer relationship management suite—scheduled to be released to manufacturing in March—to plug the gaps in the product and make it easier to sell to their customers.


Green Beacon is considering expanding its Microsoft practice to include Axapta SMB ERP software, Holtz said.

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Старый 07.02.2005, 14:58   #2  
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
The word on the street is that Microsoft CRM 2005 (formerly Microsoft CRM 2.0) will be released to manufacturing (RTM) in March with general availability (GA) this summer.

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Старый 11.02.2005, 13:15   #3  
mazzy is offline
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Microsoft again delays CRM update

The company had indicated that the product -- at first called Microsoft CRM 2.0 -- would be out early in the second half of 2005.

Microsoft's famously slippery ship dates are sliding once again when it comes to the company's long-delayed Microsoft CRM 2.0 update. Microsoft said Thursday it is expanding the software's feature set and delaying its release-to-manufacturing until the fourth quarter of 2005.

But according to Wilson, the CRM group remains focused on its initial mission, at least for now. "Our goal is to serve small and medium businesses and divisions of large companies," he said. "But over time, we'll definitely grow our business in a lot of directions."
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Старый 01.03.2005, 22:35   #4  
mazzy is offline
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Microsoft CRM Delay Irks Users
Customer dissatisfaction is growing with Microsoft Corp.'s delayed CRM release cycle, even as the Redmond, Wash., company has hired a veteran CRM executive to help get the product out the door.

Brad Wilson, a former marketing executive with PeopleSoft Inc. and Epiphany Inc., joined Microsoft in early February, at the same time the company announced another delay for its long-awaited Microsoft CRM 2.0, originally due to ship early last year.

полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.
Старый 01.03.2005, 22:36   #5  
mazzy is offline
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Microsoft CRM 2006, It Is
Microsoft said a few weeks back that it planned to delay the release to manufacturing date of its Microsoft CRM 2.0 release from March until some time in Q4 2005. The result? Availability of the next major release of Redmond's CRM system is pushed back to Q1 or maybe even Q2 2006. Users are none too pleased, according to an [url=,1759,1771059,00.asp]eWEEK story on Microsoft's CRM delay[/b].

полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.

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