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Старый 09.02.2017, 17:43   #1  
Gatta is offline
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How To control the decimal point in Real values in Dynamics AX365 ?

Could you help me please? I know how to control the decimal point in Real values in Dynamics AX 2009. But Dynamics 365 is totally different.

To control the decimal point in real value in AX 2009 I do the following :
1- right click on the real field and choose properties
2- go to NoOfDecimals property and put any number you want for example (1 or 2 or 3)
This means the numbers after the decimal point example :
if the value is 2.31689
if you put 1 the result is 2.3
if you put 2 the result is 2.31

Thanks in advance!!
Старый 09.02.2017, 19:16   #2  
S.Kuskov is offline
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EDTs and fields now have a scale property that can be applied to the individual field and EDT
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Старый 09.02.2017, 20:14   #3  
kashperuk is offline
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The scale is about the DB precision for real-type fields.

Why do you say the approach is different in D365? It should be more or less the same.
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: S.Kuskov (2), Gatta (1).
Старый 06.03.2017, 05:09   #4  
Gatta is offline
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Адрес: Харьков

Thanks for your replies. Sorry it has taken me a while to respond to this issue.

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