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Старый 07.03.2008, 13:05   #1  
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Arijit Basu: Convergence 2008 - Orlando

Well Convergence 2008 Orlando starts next week :). Lots of things on the agenda like reviews of Dynamics AX 2009. Looks exciting. I will be available in the AX Community booth. In case you want to catch up please do visit the AX Community booth. Also there will be quite a few Usability Studies at the Convergence2008 convention in Orlando & AX Consultants, Developers and Implementers could sign up at the UX Booth to give feedback / attend usability studies.
The topics include:
18903 - Performance and Scale AX Partners - Focus group on learning how customers troubleshoot today and how we can improve overall total cost of ownership. We will also be sharing our internal approaches to solicit feedback as well as teach them. 1 hour
18826 - Dynamics AX Help Extensibility Roundtable - Partners, Customers, and Super Users of Dynamics AX, come tell us what you like, don't like or wish for, in extending and customizing the AX help system. 1 hour
18861 - Future AX Developer Experience - Focus group on new concepts, validating and ideas for AX 6.0. Must use AX as primary tool. 2 hours
18862 - AX Developer & Partner Tools Workshop - Help us to improve the implementation and development process, this is a Focus Group/Workshop on Developer and Partner Vision 2 hours
18864 - Data Upgrade - Improving the AX Experience - Implementers, Developers and Consultants, roundtable discussion on improving the AX Data Upgrade Experience 2 hours 18872 - Designing a Better Workspace for AX Devs - Designing a better workspace for AX Developers, a participatory design workshop 2 hours.

You need to sign up at the UX booth at the Convergence to attend these. See you there :)

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