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Старый 16.10.2008, 00:05   #1  
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Solutions Monkey: Disabling Bound Fields through code
You can make a bound field as read only or hide the Lookupbutton of the bound field through code in the page load event.

For example


AxBoundField boundField = AxGridView1.Columns[i] as AxBoundField;

boundField.ReadOnly = true;




AxBoundField boundField = AxGridView1.Columns[i] as AxBoundField;

boundField.LookupButtonDisplaySettings = LookupButtonDisplaySettings.Never;


If they do want to hide the lookup for specific rows, then they should use a template field instead of the AxBoundField. For example ,

In the below code DataSet Name is DemoSet, Table Name is Table1 and FieldName is AccountNum

asp:TemplateField ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False"

HeaderText="" SortExpression="AccountNum">

Code Behind to hide the lookup control conditionally and disable the cell

protected void AxGridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)


if (e.Row != null && e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)


/* disable the thrid column which displays accountnum and hide the lookup if the second field value is 1

DataSetViewRow dataRow = (DataSetViewRow)e.Row.DataItem;

bool isInternalProject = dataRow.GetFieldValue("Field2").ToString() == "1";

if (isInternalProject)


Control c = e.Row.Cells[2].FindControl("AxLookup1");

if ( c!= null)

c.Visible = false;

e.Row.Cells[2].Enabled = false;



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