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Старый 07.05.2010, 01:06   #1  
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Dynamics CRM Tools: Update: Form Javascript Manager

Hi all,

It is a long time since I have posted some news on my blog… Well, I have lot of work and have to deal with many CRM projects. Not easy everyday :)

Today, it is not really a tool update, almost a new tool. If you download the latest version of the FormJavascriptManager, you will find a second tool: FormJavascriptManagerCommand.

It is a command line utility that will allow you to automate export and import of your form scripts. Thanks to Bianca for the idea after a presentation of TFS2010 and CRM project automation.

Here are some instructions:

FormJavascriptManager.exe /c /f [/i|/e] [optionalParameters]

Mandatory Parameters:

/c : Name of the connection to use in mscrmtools.config file

/f : Folder where to read and write scripts

/e : Export the scripts of specified entities in (with format entity1;entity2;entity3)


/i : Import the scripts located in the specified folder

Optional Parameters:

/p : Publish the customizations (Must be used with /i parameter)

/pwd : Password when using custom or IFD authentication

/l : Path for the log file


FormJavascriptManager.exe /c AnIfdConnection /pwd MyPassword /e account;contact;lead /f d:\exportFolder /l d:\logFolder\log.txt

FormJavascriptManager.exe /c OnPremiseConnection /i /p /f d:\importFolder /l d:\logFolder\log.txt

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