29.07.2010, 00:05 | #1 |
dynamics-community.at: Neues Statement of Directions für Dynamics AX verfügbar!
Источник: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/dynam...ZCsc/post.aspx
============== Liebe Dynamics Partner! Das neue Statement of Directions für Microsoft Dynamics AX ist ab sofort auf PartnerSource verfügbar. Im neuen Statement of Directions werden die Erweiterungen der nächsten Monate für Dynamics AX 2009 vorgestellt und es gibt weitere Einblicke, was uns in Microsoft Dynamics AX ‘6’ erwartet. Inhalt des Statement of Directions
Источник: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/dynam...ZCsc/post.aspx
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05.08.2010, 13:24 | #2 |
Прочитал документ: это настоящее искусство - написать 53 страниц и ничего не сказать:
...our work on model-driven development, service-oriented architecture (SOA) and service-enabling Microsoft Dynamics, and the massive amount of work going into the next release sets a foundation for embracing the next wave of Cloud computing. Building on the Microsoft® platform and service-enabling Microsoft Dynamics AX puts us in prime position to capitalize on the investments being made in Partner-Hosted Software-as-a-Service deployments, Online Services and the Cloud.
Вот, пожалуй, один из немногих интересных пассажей: Цитата:
The consolidated GLS layer (aka ‗AX6 OneGLS‘ ) is planned to be available 18 months after the Microsoft Dynamics AX ‗6‘ release and is expected to include all the localizations for 13 GLS countries; Brazil, Czech Republic, China, Estonia, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Turkey.
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