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axStart: What methods are called when a runbaseBatch process is executed?

It can be handy to have detailed knowledge on the runbaseBatch class. In this tutorial I will explain the calling sequence of the RunBaseBatch class with a query (select button).

We will start this process with a static construct function that will force the runbaseBatch process to run on the server. 

In the left column of below table is shown the method name of the runbase batch and the location where it is running. The order of the lines in the table is also the order AX will execute the methods.

(Note: The runbase mechanism calls sometimes methods twice, these duplicate call are removed from this list.)

Server construct

Our constructor will execute the new method

Server new


Server prompt


Server unpack


Server showdialog


Server pack


Client new

Reconstruct the class on the AX client

Client unpack

Get the values from the previous run

Client canGoBatch

Do we need to show the batch tab page

Client prompt


Client showdialog

Do we need to show dialog

Client caption

Set the caption of the dialog

Client queryRun

Get the query object (if exist)

Client showQueryValues

Do we need to query values on the general tab page of the dialog

Client showQuerySelectButton

Do we need to query select button on the dialog

Client showDefaultButton

Do we need default button

Client showClearButton

Do we need clear button

Client dialog

Build your dialog (don’t remove super otherwise you don’t see the batch tab page

Client dialogPostRun

Used to make additional modification to the dialog (field High), set overload methods


Finally our dialog appears on the screen.

Next we press the OK button. The next methods of the runbaseBatch will be executed:

Client getFromDialog

We get the values from the dialog , don’t remove super otherwise batch and select info is gone

Client validate

Check if all dialog values are valid

Client pack

Store the values in the SysLastValue table

Server unpack

Readout the values from the SysLastValue table

Server canGoBatch

Check if we have to run in batch

Server run

Run the process (can be from batch process)



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