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Старый 02.12.2010, 00:11   #1  
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dynamics-ax: Open AX & PTC FlexPLM Positions!

Recently I did a post about Sunrise will start to sale and implement PTC FlexPLM solution. This will be standalone and integration to Microsoft Dynamics AX projects.

You can read the full press release here.: PTC Flex PLM and Dynamics AX - Dynamics Duo

So with this now we are moving ahead and have open positions related to the PTC FlexPLM arm of Sunrise. We also have several Dynamics AX based positions, both sales and functional / technical implementation roles.

To see all the open positions we currently have, check out the following listings.: Careers at Sunrise Technologies, Inc. - Home Page

The current list of opennings are.:I know that I have said this before, and you have seen it in my post about Sunrise. I will say it again however, I love being a part of Sunrise. It's always interesting work, with great people, clients and other partners.

If your interested, either follow the information above, or feel free to contact me through this blog and I can get you connected with the right people!

That's all for now, but I have some good post on the way. Hope everyone is over all the turkey! Back to work!

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