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Старый 15.04.2011, 20:12   #1  
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ukax: Dynamics AX 2012 Hands on Labs

Afternoon All,

There are a number of guided Hands on Labs now available on PartnerSource, they can be found following the links below:


  1. Workflow Implementation
  2. Accounts Payable
  3. Accounts Receivable Enhancements
  4. Expense Management
  5. Migrating Reports to SSRS
  6. Employee Procurement
  7. Client Forms
  8. Export Extend and Refresh
  9. Edit Budgets in Excel
  10. Sales Quotations in Word
  11. Import Data Using Excel
  12. Project Accounting

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Старый 15.04.2011, 20:12   #2  
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dax-lessons: Dynamics AX 2012 – Hands on Labs

All, Dynamics AX 2012- Hands on Labs now available on PartnerSource, please follow Fee Nolan’s post below Fee Nolan’s post – click here Thanks!! Sreenath

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