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Старый 24.01.2014, 01:28   #1  
AXNewBie is offline
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Регистрация: 24.01.2014
AX 2012 Stack Trace Error when tring to create a new Purchase Agreement
I had the same problem on Purchase Agreement Form. When I am trying to create a New Purchase Agreement from Purchase Agreement List form its throws me a stack trace error.Here is the stack Trace
(C)\Forms\PurchAgreement\Methods\run - line 12 (which is super())

This stack is not stop me from Purchase agreement creation.I am able to click Ok and create Purch Agreement.When Tried to create a new Purch Agrement from AOT it doesn't throw any error.This error occurs in only some of our environments(but all the environment have same code surrounding Purch Agreement--I compared forms and classes from different Envs both working and not working)

Things I tried
1.Cleared Cache,AUC files and changed GUID ,Full Compile and Full CIL twice,AOS,SQL server restarts.
2.I tried both the methods which are changing the datasource Join Type property on PurchAgreement Task page to delayed and adding additional datasources to listpage which didn't help.

Is there any thing that you all would suggest other than these approches.Any help would be truly appreciated.
Старый 24.01.2014, 02:32   #2  
macklakov is offline
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It is hard to tell. Have you cleared the usage data?
Isn't it nice when things just work?
purchase order, stack trace, ax2012


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