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Старый 16.04.2007, 23:51   #1  
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Harish Mohanbabu: Table set / get properties
Ever since I changed job, it has been a busy period. Any way one of the questions I have noticed often is about setting and getting table properties by X++. This can be accomplised by using 'TreeNode' class. Here are some examples -

Get table properties
Let us say we want to get 'Security key' table property for all tables. Here is a sample code -

static void getTableProperty(Args _args)
    Author      :       Harish Mohanbabu
    Date        :       April 16, 2007
    Purpose     :       To obtain table properties

    str             Property;
    TreeNode        TreeNode;
    identifiername  identifiername;
    str             Name;

    TreeNode    = TreeNode::findNode(#TablesPath);
    TreeNode    = TreeNode.AOTfirstChild();
    while (TreeNode)
            Name = TreeNode.AOTname();
            Property       = TreeNode.AOTgetProperties();
            identifiername = findproperty(Property, 'SecurityKey');
            info (strfmt("%1, %2", Name, identifiername));
            treenode = TreeNode.AOTnextSibling();
Set table properties
Let us say we want to set 'modified date' table property to yes for all 'CustTable'.

static void setTableProperty(Args _args)
    Author     :       Harish Mohanbabu
    Date       :       April 16, 2007
    Purpose    :       To obtain table properties

    str                Property;
    TreeNode    TreeNode;
    str               Name;
    Name = "CustTable";
    TreeNode  = TreeNode::findNode("Data Dictionary\\Tables\\" + Table);
    if (TreeNode)

           Property       = TreeNode.AOTgetProperties();
           Property       = SetProperty(Property, "ModifiedDate", "Yes");
Note - if you are planning to use the above code, please make sure you first do this in a test environment.

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Старый 17.04.2007, 09:23   #2  
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Note - if you are planning to use the above code, please make sure you first do this in a test environment.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Абсолютно согласен!

Кроме того, обратите внимание, что модификации таблиц будут выполнены в том слое, из-под которого запускается данный код. Т.е. если разработчик сидит в cus, а код запустился пользователем из-под usr, то поля появятся в usr.
полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.
Старый 17.04.2007, 15:28   #3  
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*надо бы игнорировать системные таблицы
*если после прогона скрипта не синхронизироваться а выйти, то потом не войдешь

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