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Старый 08.03.2008, 01:06   #1  
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Dave: Convergence 2008 - Orlando
It's Friday finally! I haven't posted anything about Convergence, but better late than never. I will be at Convergence for anyone who is interested in meeting while I'm there. To help facilitate this, I have setup a Convergence Connect profile. While a portion of my time will be working at the technical services area of Convergence, I'll have other time to attend sessions and socialize as well.

My main focus at Convergence is SQL Performance and PerformancePoint Server. Those are the two areas I'm hoping to make great strides in by mid-2008.

While I have had many emails and comments asking about the results of the poll I was attempting to take on AIF usage, I have never received any responses on usage. I'm not sure if this was due to not having time or literally no one who reads my blog using it, but if you're of the earlier persuasion, please come by and talk to me for a few minutes. I'd really love to hear your success stories or otherwise in AIF.

Look forward to seeing everyone there.

David Bowles

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